Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
set | yes | data-set | events.fits | |
Name of input EPIC pn or EPIC MOS events file
(e.g., of a source or selected region) | ||||
withbackgroundset | no | boolean | N | Y/N |
whether to use background event set for background subtraction | ||||
backgroundset | no | data-set | bkg_events.fits | |
Name of background EPIC pn or MOS event file | ||||
backscal | no | real | 1.0 | ![]() |
background-to-source extraction area ratio; also needs to
include exposure ratio if source and background exposures
differ | ||||
withflag | no | boolean | Y | Y/N |
whether to select FLAG==0 internally | ||||
withoutputmask | no | boolean | N | Y/N |
whether to create a CCD map with positions FLAG==0
set to 1 | ||||
outmaskname | no | string | ./flag0_map_##.dat | |
name of output FLAG=0 map if withoutputmask=Y,
the substring ## will internally be
replaced with the CCD number currently in use (two digits) | ||||
device | no | string | /VCPS | /VCPS |
PGPLOT output device (other options: /GIF or /XW for screen output) | ||||
outdir | no | string | ./ | |
output directory for output file | ||||
useplotfile | no | boolean | N | N/Y |
whether to use plotfile as output file name, otherwise
construct name from input data set + `' | ||||
plotfile | no | string | | |
output file name | ||||
withqdp | no | boolean | N | N/Y |
whether to create also QDP output file,
construct name from input data set + `_pat.qdp' | ||||
withdetxy | no | boolean | N | N/Y |
whether to plot also average
DETX and DETY positions | ||||
withsrcxy | no | boolean | Y | N/Y |
whether to plot also real-valued
SRCPOSX and SRCPOSY positions | ||||
withusermode | no | boolean | N | N/Y |
whether to use the user-defined mode usermode instead
of the SUBMODE model for comparison | ||||
usermode | no | integer | 0-5 | |
if withusermode=Y then use this mode for model comparison,
in cal
0=FF, 1=eFF, 2=LW, 3=SW, 4=TI, 5=BU | ||||
withuserrawy | no | boolean | N | N/Y |
whether to use the user-defined mode usermode instead
of the SUBMODE model for comparison | ||||
userrawy | no | real | 190.0 | 1-200 |
if withuserrawy=Y then use this coordinate value for
the spatial dependence | ||||
xaxisadu | no | boolean | N | Y/N |
whether to use ADU (instead of eV) as unit for x-axis | ||||
sigma | no | real | 3.0 | 0- |
sigma to accumulate for 1 bin | ||||
ccdlimits | no | integer-list | 1 64 1 200 1 12 | |
to select certain RAWX RAWY CCDNR range from the PN (only) event file
for accumulation of the distributions
| ||||
plotyrange | no | real-list | 0 0 | |
to fix the Y range (in log10 values) in the distribution plot
for an easier comparison with other observations;
if second value is not larger than first value then do an
automatic determination of the Y range
| ||||
pileupnumberenergyrange | no | real-list | 500 2000 | |
energy range [eV] in which the pile-up diagnostic number is calculated
| ||||
modifyInSet | no | boolean | Y | Y/N |
if N: skip writing of header keywords to increase speed | ||||
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |