XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
epchain (epchain-8.75) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
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Input Files
- badpixset with ## replaced by CCD number:
bad pixel files (one per CCD, extension BADPIX)
(if getnewbadpix set to ``true"
and runbadbixfind to ``false")
- event list files (one per CCD and exposure),
straight from the ODF (PNIME1 or PNTIE1 or
PNBUE1, depending on datamode)
- corresponding auxiliary (PNAUX1, PNAUX2),
counting cycle report (PNCCX1),
housekeeping (PNPMH1, PNPAH1), and
attitude history (SCATS1) files, straight from the ODF.
Time correlation (SCTCS1) file
and summary file are accessed by OAL.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01