Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
pha | yes | list | | |
A list of source+backgraund spectrum
files. It has to share with the background spectrum files a common spectral range and a common
binning. |
bkg | yes | list | | |
A list of background spectrum files. It has
to share with the source+background spectrum files a common spectral range
and a common binning. |
rmf | yes | list | | |
A list of redistribution matrix files.
arf | yes | list | | |
A list of effective area files.
filepha | no | file | epic_spc_src.ds | |
The file name for the output srouce+backgroundcombined spectrum.
filebkg | no | file | epic_spc_bkg.ds | |
The file name for the output combined background spectrum.
filersp | no | file | epic_rsp.ds | |
The file name for the output combined response matrix.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |