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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

epproc (epicproc-2.20) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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Flow Chart

In the figure 1 there is a sketch of the pipeline with all the tasks that epproc execute. A default execution of epproc for imaging mode can be easily tracked, just simply following the red arrows.

Figure 1: epproc imaging pipeline.
\epsfig{file=epproc_IM.epsi,width=.8\textwidth}\mbox{}\\ [1cm]\end{center}\end{figure}

In the figure 2 there is a sketch of the pipeline with all the tasks that epproc execute for timing mode. The only different with respect to the imaging mode pipeline, is the execution of epreject. The red arrows mark the default execution path.

Figure 2: epproc timing pipeline.
\epsfig{file=epproc_TI.epsi,width=.8\textwidth}\mbox{}\\ [1cm]\end{center}\end{figure}

In the figure 3 there is a sketch of the pipeline with all the tasks that epproc execute for burst mode. In this case, the difference with respect to the imaging mode pipeline, is the execution of epreject and epfast. The red arrows show the default execution path.

Figure 3: epproc burst pipeline.
\epsfig{file=epproc_BU.epsi,width=.8\textwidth}\mbox{}\\ [1cm]\end{center}\end{figure}

To help the user, we have introduced the parameter withdefaultcal. This parameter enable or disable automatically the different tasks that have to be executed for the different PN modes.

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01