XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
esas (esas-0.9.34) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
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This package consists of a collection of XMM-Newton Extended
Source Analysis Software (XMM-ESAS) tasks originally developed by
Snowden, et al. and released as a stand-alone package in 2008. This
package follows the methods outlined in Snowden et al.
(2008)[1] for the analysis of extended objects and the diffuse
background using XMM-Newton EPIC MOS and pn observations.
Two separate features are incorporated into ESAS; the capability
of creating model quiescent particle background spectra (Kuntz &
Snowden 2008)[2] for user defined regions of the detectors and
the capability of creating background subtracted and exposure
corrected images. Also included in the XMM-ESAS package is software
to mosaic multiple and not necessarily coaligned observations of
regions on the sky.
SAS/ESAS Task Descriptions:
FORTRAN routines:
- adapt
- adapt is an adaptive filtering routine used
to create smoothed background subtracted and exposure
corrected images for individual exposures or exposures
from a single observation combined by the task comb.
For each unmasked pixel, the
program will average neighboring pixels within a circle of
increasing radius until a selected number of counts is reached.
The original pixel is then given the average surface brightness
for the pixels within the circle. Images can also be binned
before smoothing.
- adapt_merge
- adapt_merge adaptively smooths background subtracted
and exposure corrected mosaicked images using the output of
merge_comp_xmm. For each unmasked pixel, the program will
average neighboring pixels within a circle of increasing radius
until a selected number of counts from the count image is reached.
The original pixel is then given the average surface brightness
for the pixels within the circle. The images can also be binned
before smoothing.
- bin_image
- bin_image produces binned count rate and count-rate
uncertainty images of single observations. It can use either
individual exposures or the output
of the program comb which can
merge all of the exposures associated with a single ObsID. For
each unmasked and binned pixel, the program will determine the
average count rate and the count rate uncertainty. The assumption
is that the uncertainty is dominated by the counting statistics
and the the systematics of the background modeling. Integer
binning, including by 1 for no binning, is supported.
- bin_image_merge
- bin_image_merge bins mosaicked images
combined by the task merge_comp_xmm into count rate
and count rate uncertainty images. For
each unmasked and binned pixel, the program will determine the
average count rate and the count rate uncertainty. The assumption
is that the uncertainty is dominated by the counting statistics
and the the systematics of the background modeling. Integer
binning, including by 1 for no binning, is supported.
- clean
- clean deletes a number of intermediate and unneeded
files after the processing is complete.
- cheese
- cheese does source detection and creates cheese
masks for point-source masking during image processing.
cheese allows the user to set a flux threshold
over the field for the removal of the source contributions
to the spectra as well as the images.
- cheese-bands
- cheese-bands does source detection and creates cheese
masks for point-source masking during image processing in three
bands: soft, hard, and combined.
cheese-bands allows the user to set a flux threshold
over the field for the removal of the source contributions
to the spectra as well as the images.
- comb
- comb combines co-aligned event, exposure,
QPB, SP, and SWCX background images from
different exposures and different instruments from the same
- conv_reg
- conv_reg converts region information in celestial
coordinates into region information in detector coordinates. It
will do so for region fits files, ascii lists, or individual
regions. Development in progress.
- conv-region
- conv-region converts a region file in celestial
coordinates into regions files in detector coordinates for
all active detectors in all observations in a list of ObsIDs.
Development in progress.
- esas-mosaic
- esas_mosaic is the driving task for
esprep_mosaic that will process all of the exposures
for an individual subpointing for all of the subpointings
for an observation in mosaic mode.
- esprep_mosaic
- esprep_mosaic takes the output event files for an
individual exposure in an individual sub-pointing of a mosaic
mode observation and resets the X,Y coordinates and
pointing-direction keywords to make them compatible with the
ESAS package. It is called by the task esas-mosaic
- esprep_mosaic_time
- esprep_mosaic_times extracts the position angle,
right ascension, and declination from individual subpointings
of mosaic mode observations for use in esprep_mosaic.
- make_mask
- make_mask is called by the task
cheese to produce a cheese mask.
- make_mask_merge
- make_mask_merge produces cheese masks in the
total band (cheese) or soft, hard, and combined bands
(cheese-bands) using a merged source list produced by
the task merge-source-list from the maximum likelihood
source lists produced by cheese or cheese-bands.
- merge_comp_xmm
- merge_comp_xmm creates mosaicked count, exposure,
QPB, SP, and SWCX background images for multiple observations
and exposures.
- merge_source_list
- merge_source_list creates a master list of
sources detected from a list of observations which have been
processed to the point of a creating an emldetect source lists
produced by cheese or cheese-bands.
Sources are compared and those within 2" of each other have
the one with the lower flux thrown out.
- mos_back
- mos_back takes the output of the perl script
mos-spectra and creates quiescent particle background (QPB)
spectra and images in detector coordinates, as selected, for
EPIC MOS data.
- mos-filter
- mos-filter filters
and cleans the event files of SP contamination
using the SAS task espfilt. Along with a filtered event
file it produces a QDP plot file showing the observation light
curves and indicates the accepted time intervals.
- mos-spectra
- mos-spectra processes the filtered event files from
the task mos-filter to
produce a set of intermediate files for the production of QPB
background spectra and images. mos-spectra also produces
source spectra and the appropriate Redistribution Matrix
Files, RMFs, and Ancillary Region Files, ARFs, for spectral
- pn_back
- pn_back takes the output of
pn-spectra and creates QPB
spectra and images in detector coordinates, as selected, for
EPIC pn data.
- pn-filter
- pn-filter is the initial processing script for
pn data and it performs the same tasks as mos-filter
for MOS data. Each exposure is processed
in both normal and out-of-time (OOT) modes.
- pn-spectra
- pn-spectra provides the same functions for pn
data as mos-spectra provides for the MOS. However,
it also creates spectra and images from the out-of-time
- point_source
- point_source calculates the appropriate Xspec
normalization for the extragalactic background given the
user-selected point-source exclusion threshold.
- proton
- proton produces images in detector coordinates
of the model residual soft proton (SP) contamination. To
do so, it uses the fitted values of the SP component from
Xspec and standard detector maps.
- proton_scale
- proton_scale extracts the appropriate
scale factors for the solid angle and relative SP
contributions to include in spectral fitting.
- rot_det_sky
- rot_det_sky is called by the
rot-im-det-sky task. It does the heavy lifting of
rotating the QPB images output from mos_back and
pn_back, the SP images output from proton, and
the SWCX output from swcx which are in detector
coordinates, into images in sky coordinates.
- rot-im-det-sky
- rot-im-det-sky rotates both the model QPB,
SP, and SWCX background images from detector
coordinates to sky coordinates.
- sp_partial
- sp_partial scales the SP spectral fit
results from a limited region of the detector to the full
field of view. This allows the user to fit for the SP
contamination in regions of lower surface brightness
(e.g., an outer annulus for a cluster of galaxies) which
can significantly improve the accuracy of the fit.
- swcx
- swcx produces images in detector coordinates
of the model residual SWCX contamination. To do so,
it uses the fitted values of the SWCX component from
Xspec and standard detector maps.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-05-04