ChangeLog for esky2det =============================== Open SPRs: ---------- Nil. Version 1.17 - 2015-08-24 (RDS) ---------------------- + Support for detector coord images in edet2sky Version 1.16 - 2015-07-07 (RDS) ---------------------- + New task edet2sky + documentation Version 1.15 - 2014-04-08 (RDS) ---------------------- + Reference to \CALHANDBOOK in documentation Version 1.14 - 2014-03-10 (RDS) ---------------------- + Added new parameter "checkfov" which if set true ignores positions outside the field-of-view (the current behaviour) and if set true processes them (SPR-7184) ---------------------- - Fixed SPR-6783 (esky2det aborts with large input data). Version 1.13 - 2013-02-13 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Fixed SPR-6783 (esky2det aborts with large input data). - Document updated, fixing a minor inconsistency. - Moved the test file to the package testprods and it now uses ssclib/ to read it. test/ directory cleaned up. - It now DEPENDs on testprods-1.32 - Updated ssclib DEPENDency to 4.17. Version 1.12.1 - 2009-05-13 (EO) -------------- + Up to ssclib 4.8 update in DEPEND file. Version 1.12 - 2005-11-17 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Parameter --withboresightfudge (default 'yes') added to esky2det (until sign of boresight psi is corrected). Version 1.11 - 2004-11-25 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Updated ssclib DEPENDency to 3.21 (should fix SPR 3354). Version 1.10 - 2004-04-19 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Brought the ssclib interfaces up to 3.9 standard. Version 1.9 - 2004-03-25 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Copy of patches to devtrack. Version 1.8.2 - 2004-01-21 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Parameter --withouttab assumed in code (and is necessary) but was not in .par file. - SPRs 2891, 3112 and 3140 are now closed. Version 1.8.1 - 2003-12-18 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Fixed SPR 3182. Version 1.8 - 2003-11-24 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Removed old code. Version 1.7 - 2003-11-07 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Temp_ssclib modules now merged into ssclib-3.0. - Now uses coord transform routines in ssclib/coordinate. - Simpler interface to obtain 'cal' data (instrument, timeStamp, scAttitude). Version 1.6 - 2002-10-18 (IMS) ---------------------- - Version 1.5.1 copied to devtrack. Compatibility with and dependence on param-2.n restored. Version 1.5 - 2002-10-18 (IMS) ---------------------- - Upload for sas-5.4.0 release. - Removed reliance on ssclib for the time being (copied the needed modules to esky2det directory). - Fixed calls to readColData. Version 1.4 - 2002-08-12 (IMS) ---------------------- - Now depends on sas. Version 1.3 - 2002-05-17 (IMS) ---------------------- - Cleaned up a little. - Uses param-2.0. Version 1.2.4 - 08 Mar 2002 (IMS) ---------------------- - Removed tautological parameter --node. - Updated DEPEND. Version 1.2.3 - 07 Mar 2002 (IMS) ---------------------- - Core dump from unilateral call of CAL_releaseMemory(ccdNr) at end of processing. Made this call conditional on --outunit='raw'. - Removed a debugging message. Version 1.2.2 - 28 Feb 2002 (IMS) ---------------------- - Fixed the test harness. Version 1.2.1 - 20 Feb 2002 (IMS) ---------------------- - Added some warnings to help the user avoid inadvertently retaining default parameter settings. - Some messages could only handle source numbers up to 999 (SPR 2773). This limit is now extended to huge(int32). Version 1.2 - 23 Jan 2002 (IMS) ---------------------- - Updated DEPEND. - Fixed test harness. - Added missing --ccdnode parameter. Version 1.1 - 11 Oct 2001 (IMS) ---------------------- -? Version 1.0 - 11 Oct 2001 (IMS) ---------------------- - First task delivery. Version 0.1 - date ---------------------------- - Task description circulated for comment.