ChangeLog for esources =============================== Open SPRs: ---------- Nil Version 1.4.1 - 2011-01-26 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------------- - Cleaned up junk. - Now the test harness uses only those data from {\tt testprods}. Some codes in the test harness are modified accordingly. - The input event files are not modified the slightest any more (a part of which used to be modified in HISTORY etc). See the reference for detail. Version 1.4 - 2010-08-30 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------------- - Closed SCR-286 (*_FLAG are copied to the output file). - DEPENDency on testprods added (ver.1.22), fitsutils added (ver.1.1). - Most test data files in test/prod/ but one (source-list) are deleted, which are now imported from the testprods/ package. Version 1.3.1 - 2009-05-13 (EO) ------------- + Refixed DEPEND file. Version 1.3 - 2009-05-11 (EO) ----------- + Fix DEPEND file. Version 1.2 - 2006-08-23 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------------- - Close SSC-SPR-3626 (EP_CTS is not calculated when ONTIME is Null). - Close SSC-SPR-3627 (In calculating EP_CTS and bin-width, DET_ML and MaskFrac are now taken into account). - Fixed a bug which gave not-correct startTimes/stopTimes. - Now MOS2 is given a higher priority than MOS1 in calculating the bin-width. - Remove function intToHex(intArg), intToHex_20051028(intArg). - The test harness with the use of "prod/P0117890901EPX000OBSMLI0000.fits:SRCLIST". test/prod/ directory created. Version 1.1.3 - 2006-05-07 (IMS/JBO) ---------------------------- - Error text upgrades. - Task description written. Version 1.1.2 - 2005-12-01 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------------- - The task now (optionally) sets the SPECTRA and TSERIES flag columns of the input source list to indicate those sources chosen for source-specific products. This has necessitated a new parameter --setflags. Version 1.1.1 - 2005-11-07 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------------- - Now also transcribes the EP_1_ML_ID column value if it is available. Version 1.1 - 2005-11-07 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------------- - Test harness added. Version 1.0 - 2005-11-02 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------------- - Fixed a bug which was writing backward hex numbers plus nonsense to the file. - Added new parameter --instweights. - Task now writes src counts for each instrument and the equivalent epic counts. - Task now writes RA_CORR and DEC_CORR columns. - Task was trying to read source list columns PN_SCTS etc whereas the real names are PN_CTS etc. This now fixed. - Task was trying to read TSTART, TSTOP keywords from event list dataset header rather than (the correct) EVENTS table header. This now fixed. - Task now checks for null values in *_ONTIME columns as well as *_CTS columns. - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.