etimeget is a metatask which runs evselect to extract time series from an XMM-EPIC observation.
The essential input parameters are the name of the XMM events table and
a selection expression for the source and optionally background areas,
e.g. srcexp="((DETX,DETY) IN circle(572,-635,1340))"
backexp="((DETX,DETY) IN circle(2572,-1635,1340))".
The minimum selection required in the source and background expressions
is the spatial region, which may be specified in sky (X/Y) or
detector coordinates. Other selections are defaulted as shown in
Table 1. These defaults may be further restricted by
including additional selections in the input
expressions, e.g. srcexp="((DETX,DETY) IN circle(572,-635,1340))&&
PATTERN==0". NB: The source and background expressions should
use the same pattern and flag selections. The expressions must be
compliant with the selectlib