Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
imageset | yes | string | image | |
The name of the input image.
exposuremap | no | string | NotSet | |
The name of the exposure map
srcra | yes | double | | |
The right ascencion of the upper limit position in degrees.
srcdec | yes | double | | |
The declination of the upper limit position in degrees.
srcradius | yes | double | | |
The radius of the source area (degrees)
bgdra | yes | double | | |
The right ascencion of the background area in degrees.
bgddec | yes | double | | |
The declination of the background area in degrees.
bgdrinner | no | double | 0.0 | |
The inner radius of the background area (degrees).
Deafulted to 0 in the case of a circular region
bgdrouter | yes | double | | |
The outer radius of the background area (degrees).
ulsig | no | double | 0.954 | |
The significance for the upper limit calculation. The default is
two-sigma (0.954). Set the value to 0.68 for one sigma or 0.997
for three sigma etc.
witheef | no | boolean | no | |
Whether the encircled energy factor has been specified as a parameter
eef | no | double | 1.0 | |
If witheef=true then the encircled energy factor is set
by this parameter.
details | yes | boolean | no | |
Output details of the calculation including number of counts etc.
withoutputfile | yes | boolean | no | |
Write the output result to a text file ?
output | no | string | output.txt | |
Name of output text file
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |