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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

evproject (attcalc2-1.3.3) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
Name of the event-list dataset.
Name of the column of the event list to which to write the X coordinate values.
Name of the column of the event list to which to write the Y coordinate values.
Half-size of final image (in degrees).
Source of the attitude data. If this equals `odf', the environment variable SAS_ODF must be set to point to the appropriate ODF.
Name of the dataset from which to read the pre-binned attitude data (usually expected to be the output file of attbin). This parameter is read if attsource=`binned'.
Whether to use the Attitude History File or the OM pointing history file from the ODF. This parameter is read if attsource=`odf'.
Name of the dataset from which to read the spacecraft average pointing keywords (usually expected to be the output file of atthkgen). This parameter is read if attsource=`odf'.
A new attitude bin is started if the attitude jumps by more than this amount (in arcsec). This parameter is read if attsource=`odf'.
Whether to use/calculate median or mean pointing for the *_PNT keywords. This parameter is read if attsource=`odf'.
Whether to write the binned attitude to file. If `yes', the data is written to outbinnedattset. This parameter is read if attsource=`odf'.
The dataset which is to contain the binned attitude data. This parameter is read if writebinnedatt=`yes'.
attrayesangle $0\le$attra$\le360$
Right Ascension of the spacecraft attitude. This parameter is read if attsource=`fixed'.
attdecyesangle $-90\le$attdec$\le90$
Declination of the spacecraft attitude. This parameter is read if attsource=`fixed'.
attaposyesangle $0\le$attapos$\le360$
Position angle of the spacecraft attitude. This parameter is read if attsource=`fixed'.
Source of celestial coordinates of the point at which the projection plane is tangent to the celestial sphere. Values `nom', `obj' or `pnt' cause the task to read these coordinates from keywords in the event list which have the form *_NOM, *_OBJ and *_PNT respectively, where * is either RA or DEC. (Note that the PNT values have already been written to the file by evproject.) If tangdirstyle=`user', the coordinates are read from parameters tangdirra and tangdirdec.
tangdirrayesreal $0\le$tangdirra$\le360$
RA of the point at which the projection plane is tangent to the celestial sphere. This parameter is read if tangdirstyle=`user'.
tangdirdecyesreal $-90\le$tangdirdec$\le90$
Declination of the point at which the projection plane is tangent to the celestial sphere. This parameter is read if tangdirstyle=`user'.
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01