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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

evproject (attcalc2-1.3.3) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

Projecting the events Description Calculating the PNT keywords Home Index

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Source of the spacecraft attitude information

There are three allowed sources of this information, governed by the parameter attsource:

  1. attsource=`binned': the binned attitude output of attbin is read from the file inbinnedattset.

  2. attsource=`odf': the attitude information stored in the ODF is used. (Note that the user must set the environment variable SAS_ODF to point to this ODF before running evproject in this mode.) If parameter odfattsource is set to `ahf', the Attititude History File of the ODF is the source of the attitude values; if it is set to `om', the values are read from the OM tracking history file.

    The task bins up these attitude values, as described in section 3.6; the binned-up attitude values may be exported to a file via parameters writebinnedatt and outbinnedattset. Tasks eootemap, epnoisemap, eimchip2sky and eexpchipmap are designed to be able to read this binned-attitude dataset, so that they can use the same binning scheme as evproject.

  3. attsource=`fixed': the attitude is taken from user-supplied values via parameters attra, attdec and attapos.

Note that the source chosen for attitude data affects the calculation of the PNT keywords (see next section).

Projecting the events Description Calculating the PNT keywords Home Index

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01