XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
evselect (evselect-3.62) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Description / Extraction Stage (extractor)
Event List Output
In addition to the above product files, the result of the filtering
stage can be propagated into the output as well. This can be done in
four different ways depending on the setting of the two task parameters
flagcolumn and filteredset. The first parameter specifies the
name of a column in the table which can be used to flag an event. In
this non-destructive mode, non-selected events are merely flagged by
setting a corresponding bit in the specified column, which must be
integer-valued. The bit posistion to be manipulated must be set using
the parameter flagbit. If the flagcolumn parameter is not set,
non-selected events are physically removed, and thus will not be
present in the final filtered event list. If non-destructive
filtering is selected and the named flag-column does not exist, it
will be created.
Thus setting of the filteredset parameter determines whether
the input event list is modified according to the above two schemes or
a new event list file is created accordingly. The following table
provides a quick overview over the four possible cases:
flag column set |
flag column not set |
output file name set |
the input file is modified; non-selected
events will be removed |
the input file is modified by adding an
integer flag column indicating each event's selection status |
output file name not set |
input file is not modified; selected events
will be copied to new output file |
input file is not modified; all events (selected and non-selected) get
copied to new event list file with an integer flag column |
If the filteredset parameter is not set, then the parameter
keepfilteroutput, which is set to false by default, will
prevent one from modifying the input table. If one wishes to modify
the input file (either destructively or by flagging) one needs to set
keepfilteroutput to true. Note that when evselect
produces an output table file, it does so by first creating an exact
copy of the input table file, and then preforming all filtering
operations on the copy. Thus any extensions in the input file will
also appear in the output file.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01