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hkgtigen (hkgtigen-1.14.2) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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    subroutine hkgtigen
        + retrieve the list of validity ranges from CAL for instrument <inst>
        + merge/modify list according command line parameters => <valrangelist>
        + foreach periodic HK file <hk> in ODF for instrument <inst>
            + forach exposure <exp> of instrument <inst>
                + get list <l> of columns in <hk>
                + construct boolean expression <e> from <l> and <valrangelist>
                + invoke tabgtigen with <e>, on <file> => <gti>
        + merge all GTI sets <gti> constructed in inner loops
        + write final GTI set
   end subroutine hkgtigen

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01