The ratio of output-to-input pixel dimensions are specified by the parameters binxsize and binysize; in addition, the starting row or column can be defined using parameters offsetx and offsety. At present, only integer values are allowed for these four parameters.
The working of these is perhaps best shown by some examples. I'll restrict myself to the x axis for the sake of simplicity; the working in the y dimension is of course identical in character.
All pixel indices are taken to start at 1 not 0.
As you can see, the dimensions of the output are adjusted in every case to be just large enough that no input columns (or rows) are omitted.
Offset values greater than or equal to the number of input pixel dimensions in the output pixels are not useful since in all cases the output with offsetx= for example is the same as for offsetx=
modulo binxsize.
As seen in the second and third examples above, in cases in which there is not a perfect alignment between the old and new image boundaries, some `dummy' input pixels can become included in output pixels at the edges of the image: in example 3 for example there are 3 dummy input columns in the first output column and 4 in the last output column. These dummy pixels are not included when the output values are calculated (see section 2.2).
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01