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inthist (inthist-2.21) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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inthist is a perl task which does the following:

  1. Read input parameters and check for errors

  2. Run the FTOOLS task farith to flat field the input images

  3. Run the F90 module intmakehist:

    module intmakehist
         Read input flatfielded images and parameters
         Open output Post Script file
         Foreach (input image){
             Rebin to specified binsize
             Estimate histogram mean and variance using sigma clipping
             Compute optimal histogram binsize and display range based on
             mean and variance 
             Build and plot intensity histogram
         Close Post Script file
    end module intmakehist

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01