Incorrect RATE extension | error | |
Incorrect RATE extensions (see
Developer's notes for more details) | ||
Keyword TIMEDEL missing | error | |
The keyword TIMEDEL is missing | ||
Existing output file cannot be overwritten | error | |
The output file
exists, and cannot be overwitten because the SAS_CLOBBER variable
is set to 0 | ||
Unavailable default device type and/or output file | error | |
Unavailable default device type and/or output file | ||
Invalid input file | error | |
Invalid input column dimensions (the four
columns RATE, ERROR, BACKV, BACKE contained in
the FITS file must be arrays of dimension Nlightcurve ![]() | ||
TestTypeUnknown | error | |
The tests available are 'both', 'chi' or 'ks' | ||
Unavailable device type and/or output file | warning | |
corrective action: The device type and output file are set to the defaults. | ||
Number of data points to plot is higher than 500 | warning | |
corrective action: Increase binsize value until the number of points to plot is lower than 500 [1] | ||
Too small number of bins | warning | |
Number of valid bins is lower than 2. Cannot perform
corrective action: No variability tests are delivered | ||
Mandatory keywords are missing from the input file | warning | |
Some mandatory header
keywords are missing or inconsistent
corrective action: A warning is raised and the task tries to proceed | ||
No valid data points | warning | |
All the input values are NaN
corrective action: A warning is raised, the NaN values are set to 0.0 and the task continues |