Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
imageset | yes | dataset | | |
Input image FITS file.
withsrclist | no | boolean | true | |
Whether to use the source list in the observation.
srclisttab | yes | table | | |
Mandatory if withsrclist is true.
Source list (e.g., P0123456789EPX000OBSMLI0000.FIT:SRCLIST) in the observation.
withcoords | no | boolean | false | |
Whether to give the coordinates in the command-line arguments.
This parameter is read if withsrclist is false.
Note that if cattab is also false, this has to be true.
ra | no | real | | -360 ra 360 |
Right Ascension of the source position (aka the output GIF image centre).
dec | no | real | | -90 dec 90 |
Declination of the source position (aka the output GIF image centre).
withcat | no | boolean | false | |
Whether to use the (bigger) external catalogue set, which tabulates the source IAUNAME etc.
cattab | yes | table | | |
Mandatory if withcat is true.
Catalogue table name (eg., `cat2xmm.fits:SRCLIST').
withsrcnum | no | boolean | false | |
Whether to specify SRC_NUM. This is mandatory if withsrclist=no and withcat=yes.
srcnum | no | int | | srcnum 0 |
ID number (SRC_NUM) of the source in the given source list to process
(0 (Default) means all the sources, which is valid only when withsrclist=yes).
autofname | no | boolean | true | |
Whether to automatically determine the output GIF filenames (true)
or use user-specified single filename (false).
If no, either withsrclist has to be false
or srcidnumber has to be non-zero.
outfilename | yes | file | | |
Mandatory if autofname is false.
Filename of the output GIF (with suffix mandatory).
gifroot | no | string | thumb | |
Read if autofname is true.
Root of the output filenames.
fnamestyle | no | string | srcnum | srcnum - hexsrcnum - detid - srcid - srcnum_detid - srcnum_srcid - all |
Read if autofname is true.
Style in naming the output GIF files.
gifsuffix | no | string | .gif | |
Read if autofname is true.
The suffix of the output GIF filename.
fnameseparator | no | string | `` ___'' | |
Read if autofname is true.
The separators in the output GIF filenames:
eg., ``ROOT@@_@@-@@A@@'' for `` _-A''.
srcindexstyle | no | string | detid | none - srcnum - hexsrcnum - detid - srcid |
Style of the index printed in the GIF.
srcindexseparator | no | string | DEFAULT | |
The separator between the source name and index displayed in the output image.
Default is `:' and `/' for srcindexstyle='detid' and 'srcnum', respectively.
iaunameprefix | no | string | | |
Prefix for the IAUNAME in case the catalogue (if given) is missing it.
obsidstr | no | string | DEFAULT | |
String expression of OBS_ID.
erangestr | no | string | | |
String expression of the energy band, such as, `0.5-10 keV'.
inststr | no | string | | |
String expression of the instrument.
commlower | no | string | | |
Comment appearing at right-hand side in the second row in the output image.
commupper | no | string | | |
Comment appearing at right-hand side in the first row in the output image.
imagesize | no | angle | 8 | imagesize 0 |
Size of the output image in unit of arcmin.
lwidth | no | int | | lwidth 0 |
Lwidth of the cross in the image (0 (Default) means automatically calculated).
sizeratiocross | no | real | 0.0 | sizeratiocross 0 |
Ratio of the size of closeness of the cross to the source (0 (Default) means automatically calculated).
fontnumber | no | int | | fontnumber 0 |
Font number in PGPLOT used in output images (Default=0 (not specified)).
colourmapid | no | int | 3 | colourmapid 0 |
Colour Map ID (Default=3, heat).
printparams | no | boolean | false | |
Display to STDOUT the source parameters if yes.
dryrun | no | boolean | false | |
Dry-run if true.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |