ChangeLog for mssllib ==================== Version 2.76.1 - 2014-05-22 (AI) ------------ +(src/omphotometry_mod.f90) use modules reordering to avoid error with NAG fortran compiler 6.2 Version 2.76 - 2014-05-22 (AI) ------------ +(src/omsourceparam_mod.f90) Derived type modified acoordingly to match c++ struct variable order. Version 2.75 - 2014-03-19 (VNY) +src/omphotometry_mod.f90: the calculataion of the coincidence- loss corrected count rate errors is modified for the task omdetect by using the same signal-to-noise ratio as for the raw count rate (the S/N ratio is postulated to be the same as for the raw counts after the coincidenc-loss correction); +src/omcoinccorr_mod.f90: setting the maximal rate for CL-correction to 0.97 counts per frame; +src/omphotometry_mod.f90: corrected the calculation of source and background count rate errors for the case of the mosaic image (this errors were overestimated). Version 2.74.1 - 2013-11-23 (VNY) +src/omcoinccorr_mod.f90: modified the algorithm for calculating the coincidence-loss corrected error bars according to the problem reported in SSC-SPR-0007164. +src/omsrctable_mod.f90: modified the values of the header keywords INNBCKAN and OUTBCKAN to unbinned pixels (before that, they were given in binned pixels). Version 2.74 - 2013-11-15 (VNY) 2013-11-15 +src/omcoinccorr_mod.f90: restricted the range for the calculation of the concidence-loss-corrected errors, otherwise for the large (>90 c/s) count rates these errors grow to some nonsense values of many thousands c/s (the problem was reported in SSC-SPR-0007159. +src/omphotometry_mod.f90: fixed a bug of having the initial value undefined for the variable rawBackgroundCountRate in the case of sources near the image edge. The version mssllib-2.73 is equivalent to 2.66.5. Version 2.73 - 2013-11-07 (VNY) **** NOT YET APLOADED TO SASDEVEL *** +src/omphotometry_mod.f90: the source x- and y-coordinates are rounded to one-tenth of the pixel size to make the source photometry output the same on different computers Version 2.72 - 2013-10-29 (VNY) **** NOT YET APLOADED TO SASDEVEL *** +src/omsrctable_mod.f90: added the columns for the background errors, BKG_RATE_ERR and CORR_BKG_RATE_ERR +src/omphotometry_mod.f90, omskybackground_mod.f90, omcoinccorr_mod.f90: The background errors (and the corrected background errors are calculated by using a new algorithm to avoid overestimation of the corrected source errors. Version 2.71 - 2013-10-03 (VNY) +src/omphotometry_mod.f90, omcoinccorr_mod.f90: corrected the calculation of the source count-rate errors before and after applying the coincidence-loss correction (the count-rate estimate was too conservative). Version 2.70 - 2013-08-06 (VNY) +src/omsourceparam_mod.f90: removed an extra unnecessary test message; this task version is equivalent to 2.66.2. Version 2.69 - 2013-07-13 (VNY) +src/omsourceparam_mod.f90: removed a test printing line Version 2.68 - 2013-07-12 (VNY) +src/omsourceparam_mod.f90: The same change of source significance calculation is applied to the second corresponding routine that exist in the module (in the previous version, only one of the two routines was changed). Version 2.67 - 2013-07-11 (VNY) +src/omsourceparam_mod.f90: source significances are computed using the standard meaning (S/N=source/sqrt(source+bkg)) instead of using the formula S/N=source/sqrt(source+2*bkg) Version 2.66 - 2012-12-04 (VNY) +src/omphotometry_mod.f90: test messages are removed from output Version 2.65 - 2012-03-08 (VNY) +src/omastromcorrect_mod.f90: the module is moved to the src folder of omatt as it is using the omatt prmeter catfile. Version 2.64 - 2011-10-08 (VNY) +src/omutility_mod.f90 removed unused test messages Version 2.63 - 2011-06-06 (VNY) +src/omastromcorrect_mod.f90 Modified header keyword description of MRAOFFSE, MDEOFFSE Version 2.62 - 2010-10-17 (VNY) +src/omphotometry_mod.f90 The task is adjusted to the new version of omdetect (2.25) performing PSF-photometry of detected sources (if requested). Version 2.61 - 2010-01-18 (CB) -----------------------------= +src/deleted nonlinls_mod from Makefile- not used and unreliable.. Version 2.60.4 - 2009-09-16 (CB) -----------------------------= +src/omphotometry_mod.90, Deleted a test write statement. Version 2.60.3 - 2009-09-15 (CB) -----------------------------= +src/omqualityflags_mod.90, Line 1425, replaced where statement by do loops, To fix gcc 4 compilation error "Panic:.. Internal error- please report this bug". Version 2.60.2 - 2009-09-14 (CB) -----------------------------= +src/omqualityflags_mod.90, Line 649, replaced where statement by do loops, To fix gcc 4 compilation error "Panic:.. Internal error- please report this bug". Version 2.60.1 - 2009-07-17 (CB) -----------------------------= +src removed ssc lib from Makefile, which it doesn't require, to fix gcc 4 build failure. Version 2.60 - 2009-05-05 (CB) -----------------------------= +src Deleted obsolete version of omastromcorrect_mod.f90 Version 2.59 - 2009-04-06 (CB) -----------------------------= Changed another logical qualityimage logical(boolean) qualityimage in omsmoothimage Version 2.58 - 2009-04-06 (CB) -----------------------------= Changed logical qualityimage to logical(boolean) qualityimage to fix build failure on some machines Version 2.57 - 2009-04-05 (CB) -----------------------------= Put "ssclib" back into DEPEND file to fix build failures. Version 2.56 - 2009-04-03 (CB) -----------------------------= Removed "ssclib" from DEPEND file. Introduced 2 new soubroutines into omphotometry_mod to compute photometry of sources using an exposure image. added function zbrac in module brent_mod Version 2.55.2 - 2008-05-30 (CB) -----------------------------= Made a small ammendment to omastromcorrect_mod - Made the minimum position error=0.5 to prevent RMS residual being unduly influenced by very bright sources. Has been tested on a lot of ODFs. Fixes SPR 6469. Version 2.55.1 - 2008-05-21 (CB) -----------------------------= Made a small ammendment to omastromcorrect_mod.f90 to improve reliability of computed offsets (Now stops searching for better offsets when 95% of the sources down to a given mag have been matched- instead of 50%). Fixes SPR 6463. Version 2.55 - 2008-05-07 (CB) -----------------------------= Made a small ammendment to omastromcorrect_mod.f90 to improve reliability of computed offsets Version 2.54 - 2008-05-02 (CB) -----------------------------= Ammended omcoincorr_mod to check for count-rates with null values Version 2.53 - 2008-04-23 (CB) -----------------------------= Ammended omastromcorrect_mod to reduce cpu time Version 2.52.4 - 2007-07-01 (CB) ----------------------------- Somehow managed to forgot to modify test harness before uploading 2.52.3 for (SPR 3687). No changes have been made to src directory files. Version 2.52.3 - 2007-06-29 (CB) ----------------------------- Made further ammendment to test harness to try to fix problem on darwin7.9.0 (SPR 3687) Version 2.52.2 - 2007-06-25 (CB) ----------------------------- Removed the "testsort" test in the test harness to try to fix test problem on darwin7.9.0 (SPR 3687) Version 2.52.1 - 2007-06-21 (CB) ----------------------------- Have modified function tdpcorrectionfactor in ommagnitude_mod to check the filter before calling the cal routine to get the time-degradation coefficients. If not U,B,V,UVW1,UVW2 or UVM2 will now return 1.0 for the correction factor. Version 2.52 - 2007-05-21 (CB) ----------------------------- Have modified subroutine lpdfilter in omsmoothimage_mod to use the quality array, if available. This prevents isolated very bright pixels being smoothed. Version 2.51 - 2007-05-17 (CB) ----------------------------- Have modified leastsquares_mod for use with omphotom and tidied up omastromcorrect_mod Version 2.50 - 2007-05-11 (CB) ----------------------------- Have modified ommphotometry_mod for use with omphotom. Version 2.49 - 2007-04-19 (CB) ----------------------------- Have modified ommagnitude_mod so that the time-dependent pixel degradation constants are obtained using a new cal routine, instead of using hard-wired values. Version 2.48 - 2007-03-28 (CB) ----------------------------- Made small modification to omsourceflags_mod.f90. Version 2.47 - 2007-03-09 (CB) ----------------------------- Made minor changes to omsourceflags_mod.f90- quality-flag now 16 bit. Version 2.46 - 2006-05-30 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended module omastromcorrect_mod.f90 to work with fewer stars and to better weed out bad catalogue mismatches. Modified omcoinccorr_mod to compute a significance based on a filter-dependent aperture. Version 2.45.6 - 2006-02-22 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended module leastsuares_mod to fix build failure. Version 2.45.5 - 2006-02-17 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended the way the SPB_CORR (source+background) coincidence-loss correction is computed for extended sources to make it consistent with the definition in the header of the source-list file. (Fixes SPR 3582). Version 2.45.4 - 2005-11-24 (CB) Further ammendment for (SPR 3547). Version 2.45.3 - 2005-11-23 (CB) Ammended valuse of astrometry correction values so that they are not corrected for declination (SPR 3547). Version 2.45.2 - 2005-11-16 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended code that sets the source-confusion flag in omphotometry_mod (SPR 3543). Version 2.45.1 - 2005-09-012 (CB) ----------------------------- Deleted code in omastroncorrect_mod.90 that was producing some ps files (SPR 3269 again). Version 2.45 - 2005-09-012 (CB) ----------------------------- Made very minor modifications to omskybackground_mod.90. Version 2.44 - 2005-09-02 (CB) ----------------------------- Made minor modifications to omsourceflags_mod.90, in relation to source flagging. Renamed module minim_mod to omminim_mod to prevent conflict with minimim_mod in sciam library. Version 2.43.13 - 2005-08-08 (CB) ----------------------------- Fixed compilation warning about unused variables in getstartendexp_mod (SPR 3495). Made some minor mods to omsourceflags_mod.f90 to improve reliablity of source flagging. Version 2.43.12 - 2005-06-28 (CB) ----------------------------- Modified subroutines addvectorcolumn, in omutility_mod, to return without attempting to do anything if either the number of columns or the number of rows is zero (this fixes the omichain low-memory test failure, at least here - SPR 3485). Also removed the redundant modules minim_mod and usnocat_mod. Version 2.43.11 - 2005-06-10 (CB) ----------------------------- Modified module omsourceflags_mod to reduce cpu-time when checking for star diffraction spikes (SPR 3478). Version 2.43.10 - 2005-06-09 (CB) ----------------------------- Modified module omsrctable_mod to not output column TOT_RATE in source tables (SPR 3470) and also modified it to add some comments to the table. Version 2.43.9 - 2005-06-07 (CB) ----------------------------- Replaced some forall statements by do statements to fix run-time crash by omdetect on xmm-ssc. Version 2.43.8 - 2005-05-18 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammendment to omnumerics_mod to fix possible run-time problems. Version 2.43.7 - 2005-05-18 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended module omcoincorr_mod to compute the OM sensitivity degradation correction factor and correct the count-rates (for SPR 3449). Version 2.43.6 - 2004-05-28 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended module omastromcorrect_mod to check computed paramters errors to ensure plate-solution meets the required error tolerances (for SPRs 3329 and 3330). Version 2.43.5 - 2004-05-11 (CB) ----------------------------- Changed Fortran structure POINT to OMPOINT in module omphotometrydefs_mod to fix mac build failures of omsource and omgsource. Version 2.43.4 - 2004-05-06 (CB) ----------------------------- Added param to the USEDLIBS in test/makefile to fix mac build failure. Version 2.43.3 - 2004-04-23 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended code in omphotometry_mod to set source quality flag to 1 when bad pixel within source (fixes SPR 3298) Version 2.43.2 - 2004-03-05 (CB) ----------------------------- Blanked out code in omastroncorrect_mod.90 that produces plots relating to astrometry correction (SPR 3269). Version 2.43.1 - 2003-12-19 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended module omphotometry_mod to fix SPR 3167 (raised on omsource version 1.1.10) Version 2.43 - 2003-12-11 (CB) ----------------------------- Correction made to AddDistortion routine in Omdistortion_mod Version 2.42 - 2003-12-10 (CB) ----------------------------- Some unused subroutines in omdistortion_mod removed Version 2.41 - 2003-12-05 (CB) ----------------------------- Some write statements in omphotometry_mod removed Version 2.40 - 2003-12-05 (CB) ----------------------------- Module omdetection_mod removed - not now needed. Version 2.39 - 2003-11-26 (CB) ----------------------------- Further ammendment to makefile in src directory to fix static build failure Version 2.38 - 2003-11-26 (CB) ----------------------------- Ammended makefile in src directory to fix static build failure Version 2.37 - 2003-11-24 (VNY) Module omgextraction is temporarily removed from mssllib until reaching its stability Version 2.36 - 2003-11-21 (CB) ------------ Another change made for sscllib 3.0 Version 2.35 - 2003-11-21 (CB) DEPEND file updated for sscllib 3.0 ------------ Version 2.34 - 2003-11-18 (VNY) Module omgextraction_mod.f90 added ------------ Version 2.33 - 2003-11-12 (CB) ------------------------- DEPEND file modified Version 2.32 - 2003-11-12 (CB) ------------------------- Module omsrctable_mod modified to cope with the case when there are no sources. Version 2.31 - 2003-10-10 (CB) ------------------------- Moved module omdetectdetection_mod from omdetect directory and renamed it omdetection_mod. This module is now also needed by omgsource. Version 2.30 - 2003-08-27 (CB) ------------------------- Call to cal_omdistortion1 in omdistortion_mod temporarily removed until implemented by cal. Version 2.29 - 2003-08-27 (CB) ------------------------- Modules omdistortion, omrotation and omcelestial added- needed by 2 or more om packages. Version 2.28 - 2003-07-16 (CB) ------------------------- Modification to omparameters_mod to fix a run-time problem in omdetect on some systems. Version 2.27 - 2003-07-10 (CB) ------------------------- Added module omellipse_mod for use by omphotometry_mod. Subroutines added to Omphotometry_mod for doing photometry using elliptical apertures. Some routines added for use by omsource. Version 2.26 - 2003-06-13 (CB) ------------------------- Moved some constants defined in omastromcorrect_mod to omconstants_mod Version 2.25 - 2003-06-12 (CB) ------------------------- Modified module omphotometry_mod to reduce memory requirements and added subroutine to get aperture counts for omsource. Version 2.24 - 2003-04-29 (CB) ------------------------- Removed obsolete code. Ammended omskybackground_mod & omphotometry_mod to fix some omdetect problems in development track of a few computers. Version 2.23 - 2003-04-28 (CB) ------------------------- Modified ombackground_mod.f90 for overloaded call to function backgroundmode- added interface for it. Version 2.22 - 2003-03-14 (CB) ------------------------- Ammended Makefile in src directory to rectify build problem. Version 2.21 - 2003-03-13 (CB) ------------------------- Additional modules (omallocation_mod, omconstants_mod, omsourceparam_mod, omutility_mod omparameters_mod, omskybackground_mod, omcoinccorr_mod, omphotometry_mod, omnumerics_mod, omphotometrydefs_mod, omsmoothimage_mod, ommagnitude_mod, omsrctable_mod, ompsf_mod, omgraph_mod, omastromcorrect_mod) added. These are used by 2 or more om tasks. Version 2.20 - 2002-10-18 (CB) ------------------------- Uploaded into release track Version 2.19 - 2002-10-03 (CB) ------------------------- DEPEND file has been updated Version 2.18.2 2002-05-23 (CB) (+src/frametime_mod.f90) - Checks added to stop program crashing if an index of the array windowframetime is out of bounds (fixes SPR 2845). Version 2.18.1 2002-01-25 (VNY) (+src/numerical_mod.f90) - The subroutine DLOCATE in the module numerical_mod.f90 can crash if the input xx-array consists of only one element. Protection against this potential crash (subscription message) has been added (SPR 2702). Version 2.18 2002-01-08 (CB) ---------------------- DEPEND file ammended. Version 2.17 2001-12-13 (CB) ---------------------- +(src/frametime_mod.f90) - Extra parameter added to pass the BINBPE parameter- needed for Engineering-2 data. (SPR 2571) Version 2.16 2001-06-18 (CB) ---------------------- +(src/getstartendexp_mod.f90) - Extra parameter added to subroutine getstartendexp to pass the instrument mode- modified to get the fast-chain working. Version 2.15.5 2001-03-06 (CB) ---------------------- +(src/getstartendexp_mod.f90) - Routine changed to get the start and end times from the summary file. Version 2.15.4 2001-02-29 (CB) ---------------------- Ammended code to fix problem if the housekeeping time data ends before the end exposure time - program terminates (fixes SPR 2249). Version 2.15.3 2000-11-06 (CB) ---------------------- Rectified fault in test harness. Version 2.15.2 2000-11-03 (AMK) ---------------------- +(src/Makefile) - Changed layout of libraries. +(DEPEND) - Changed layout of libraries. Version 2.15.1 2000-10-10 (AMK) ---------------------- +(src/Makefile) - Changed layout of libraries. +(DEPEND) - Changed layout of libraries. Version 2.15 2000-10-10 (AMK) ---------------------- +(src/getstartendexp_mod.f90) - Changed variable TYPE from int16 to int32 in order to conform with the ICD. Version 2.14 2000-10-02 (AMK) ---------------------- +(src/getstartendexp_mod.f90) - Now returns the exposure filter string through the parameter filterString. Version 2.13 2000-09-19 (AMK) ---------------------- +(src)/Makefile - Added oal in library list. Version 2.12 2000-09-07 (AMK) ---------------------- +(src)/getstartendexp_mod.f90) - Routine rewritten so that single per observaton housekeeping files are processed instead of per observation housekeeping files . Open SPRs Version 2.11: 14 March 2000 Updated getframetime test harness from function to subroutine call. Version 2.10: 21 February 2000 Modified get_frametime to a subroutine returning dead time fraction. Version 2.9: 9th December 1999 Altered copyAttributes to copyAllAttributes where necessary Added use sasdal where necessary Version 2.8: 28th September 1999 Updated sort_mod to fix problem when array = 1. Version 2.7: 22nd July 1999 Renamed getstartendexp_mod.f90 to getexposure_mod.f90 Modified getstartendexp_mod to return exposure instead of start/end times Updated frametime_mod to give correct frametime Version 2.6: 8th June 1999 Updated dependancies for V3. Updated filter ID's. Version 2.5: 16 April 1999 Updated message call in testframetime Version 2.4: 15 April 1999 Updated message call in usno_mod Version 2.3: 12 April 1999 Updated getstartendexp_mod Version 2.2: 12 April 1999 Split mssllib into libmssl and libmsslplot Version 2.1: 31 March 1999 Added EXTERNALS=pgplot to test harness (MB) Version 2.0: 8 December 1998 Changed plot_region to plot_region_mod again Version 1.11: 2 December 1998 SPR 884 closed: Changed plot_region_mod to plot_region Version 1.10: 17 November 1998 SPR 825 closed: Changed plot_region to plot_region_mod Version 1.9: 8 oct 1998 minor changes to numerical_mod Version 1.8: 10 sep 1998 minor bug fixes Version 1.7: 4 Sep 1998 Double precision version of locate function added to numerical_mod getstartend_exp_mod added Version 1.6: 28 August 1998 DEPEND file updated Version 1.5: 17 August 1998 numerical_mod added frametime_mod added (with test harness) usno_mod added Version 1.4: 23rd July 1998 plot_region module added - used by rgsregion Version 1.3: 16th June 1998 tmpfilename_mod added SPR 392 closed: testparse checks return values SPR 391 closed: testfilterid now checks some return values SPR 390 closed: testsort now checks sort order SPR 389 closed: list of modules added to the documentation SPR 307 closed: source filenames changed to lower case SPR 308 closed: source files renamed with _mod.f90 SPR 301 closed: see spr 389 Version 1.2: 21st May 1998 SPR 195 closed: GOTO removed from parse.f90 Version 1.1: 27th April 1998 SPR 193 closed: Test harness added SPR 194 closed: Access privs changed SPR 196 closed: Obselete syntax removed from parse.f90 SPR 197 closed: parse.f90 code modified SPR 199 closed: datestamp removed Version 1.0 20th March 1998 Initial version delivered to the SOC