XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
odfingest (odfingest-3.30) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Errors
MissingData | warning |
| odfingest
cannot find some piece of
information. This is not a problem for the users, but it may be a
problem for the pipeline. For instance, if the PROPOSAL information
record is missing the user can add a fake one to the SOSF without
this having any effect on the data reduction.
corrective action: Continue. |
HousekeepingParameterMissing | warning |
| For a certain
exposure in the ODF one of the parameters was not found in the
housekeeping data. This can be caused by:
- The time interval corresponding to the given exposure is not
fully contained in the time span covered by the housekeeping
- The constraint above is met, but the further filtering of
the housekeeping data with the filtering expression (see
3.4) yields an
empty dataset.
corrective action: The parameter is ignored. A
warning is written to the SOSF. For example:
InconsistentDataMode | warning |
| The task has encountered a situation
where the same CCD appears to be in more than one
data mode. This can point to one of the following:
- The central CCD of the EMOS camera is being readout of two
nodes. This generates two separate files in the ODF, and these
two files appear to have been taken with different
- Data from two different modes is found to be in the same
exposure. For instance: PNU00201IME.FIT and
PNU00201ODI.FIT are found in the same ODF.
The latter condition has actually been observed, although it is
understood that it should not happen. If it does please report
this to the XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre.
corrective action: All operations related to the
determination of the CCD data mode, calibration mode, and
instrument configuration will be disabled for the current
exposure. In the summary file: MODE =
entries are not present. |
InconsistentCalibrationMode | warning |
| The task has encountered a situation where the same
CCD appears to be in more than one configuration. This is the
configuration as expected by the cal.
corrective action: All operations related to the
determination of the CCD data mode, calibration mode, and
instrument configuration will be disabled for the current
exposure. In the summary file: MODE = UNDEFINED, and
CALIBRATION_MODE and DATA_MODE entries are not
present. |
NewHousekeepingValue | warning |
| One housekeeping parameter that was
supposed to remain constant during the current exposure was
instead found to have changed value. This may mean that the
exposure start/stop times determined by odfingest
corrective action: The parameter is ignored. A warning
is written in the SOSF. See the warning
HousekeepingParameterMissing. |
TranslationNotAvailable | warning |
| It is not possible to translate a
housekeeping parameter value. For the developer. If the translator is a map
{key,value}, this warning means that the translator does not
contain a key corresponding to the parameter value. If the
translator is a map {{min,max},value}, the warning indicates
that the housekeeping parameter value is not contained in any of
the available {min,max} ranges.
corrective action: Do not translate. A warning is
written in the SOSF. See the warning
HousekeepingParameterMissing. |
UnknownInstrumentMode | warning |
| It is not possible to determine the instrument mode from the list of
available CCD calibration modes. This indicates one of the following:
- EMOS: the current exposure is found to
contain more than two distinct calibration modes.
- EMOS: the current exposure does not contain a
calibration mode entry for CCD 1.
- RGS, EPN, OM: the current exposure is found to
contain more than one distinct calibration mode.
corrective action: In the summary file: MODE = UNDEFINED. |
UnknownCalibrationMode | warning |
| For the
current exposure the Calibration Access Layer is unable to uniquely
determine the calibration mode. In the summary file: MODE =
entries are not present. This points to a problem in the data
itself or in the CCF in use.
corrective action: All operations related to the
determination of the CCD data mode, calibration mode, and instrument
configuration will be disabled for the current exposure. |
MissingOdfComponent | warning |
| The ODF component mentioned in
the warning does not exist. This may
prevent the SAS from processing the observation successfully.
corrective action: Ignore the problem. If the missing
component is an housekeeping file the corresponding parameters
will not be written to the SOSF. |
InconsistentTimeRange | warning |
| The time range covered by the
ODF constituent mentioned in the warning does not fully contain the
observation span. Processing some of the exposures may fail because
data are not available.
corrective action: None. |
noOMExposurePair | warning |
| OM Exposure does not have correct
EXP_START EXP_END pairs, using exposure time end for Actual End Time.
corrective action: None. |
ZeroExposureLength | warning |
| Detected a dataset with zero
duration. This indicates that this exposure is unlikely to
processable by the SAS.
corrective action: None. |
NoOdfFound | error |
| The summary file is not
written. |
did not find any ODF constituent in the
directory pointed to by odfdir.
IncorrectNumberOfDatasets | error |
| The task expected to find one and
only one ODF component matching a certain instrument/data mode
pair. Both the file name pattern and the number of components
found is reported. |
InvalidRevolutionIdentifier | error |
| The revolution identifier of one
of the ODF constituents found in the ODF directory is not an
integer. |
MultipleObservations | error |
| The ODF directory appears to contain
ODF constituents belonging to more than one observation. |
OdfSummaryFileNotFound | error |
| The ODF summary file matching the
pattern *_SCX00000SUM.ASC was not found. This is part of
every well-formed ODF. |
MultipleObservations | error |
| ODF constituents from more that one ODF
were identified in the ODF directory. |
NotATimeSortedTable | error |
| The TIME of one of the
housekeeping datasets is not sorted in ascending order. |
FileIo | error |
| odfingest
was unable to successfully write the summary file. Possible reasons: disk full, wrong permissions. |
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01