XMM-Newton SAS Home Page
XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

odfingest (odfingest-3.30) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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The examples assume the presence of an ODF in the directory /odf/0001/0100240301 (revolution 1, observation identifier 0100240301).

  1. odfingest -odfdir=/odf/0001/0100240301 -withodfdir=yes

    This creates the file 0001_0100240301_SCX00000SUM.SAS in the current directory.

  2. From now no set the environment variable SAS_ODF to be /odf/0001/0100240301.

  3. -outdir=/odf/summary_store

    This creates the file 0001_0100240301_SCX00000SUM.SAS in the directory /odf/summary_store.

  4. odfingest -usehousekeeping=no -findinstrumentmodes=no

    This creates the file 0001_0100240301_SCX00000SUM.SAS in the current directly. The SAS ODF Summary file does not contain any of the housekeeping parameter values, not does it contain the instrument modes.

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01