ChangeLog for omfchain =============================== Version 1.42.6 - 2014-09-30 (RDS) +(src/ - Uses taskmain for options handling (SPR-7237) Version 1.42.5 - 2014-09-09 (RDS) +(src/ - extra fix to bug (SPR-7206) which was precluding to calculate the background value from the imaging-mode data. Version 1.42.4 - 2014-05-11 (VNY) +(test/testomfchain): explicitely set the parameter bkgfromimage to NO as the test data does not have NAXIS1 keyword in the first extension Version 1.42.3 - 2014-05-08 (VNY) +(src/ - fixed a bug (SSC SPR report 7209) which was precluding to calculate the background value from the imaging-mode data. Version 1.42.2 - 2014-04-02 (EC) - moved binary data test/*0099010101* to testprods/omfchain_data Version 1.42.1 - 2013-02-27 (VNY) +(src/, test/*) Removed an extra FAST-mode data set from the test folder (to reduce the test processing time); checked the size of the imaging-mode file (it will not be used if small). Version 1.42 - 2012-07-19 (VNY) +(config/omfchain.par) Changed the default value of the parameter bkgfromimage to "yes". Version 1.41 - 2012-03-07 (VNY) +(src/ Fixed the problem with picking up the Raw attitude file (SSC-SPR-6692). Version 1.40 - 2011-10-05 (VNY) +(src/ Corrected the wrong version dated 2011-10-04 (the changes were made to the downgraded version 1.38); the same changes to the version 1.39: Improved the processing of bright source exposures: in order to exclude casual jumps of the count rates when the mod8factor for a given exposure exceeds the 0.35 threshold the analysis of the mod8-factor is made only for the first exposure of the series. The rest of the exposures are processed with the same extraction radius as was decided for the first exposure (no matter was it increased or left to be normal) Version 1.39 - 2011-06-07 (VNY) +(src/, param/omfchain.par) A new parameter (rawattitude) is introduced to control the averaging of the raw attitude data. Version 1.38 - 2010-04-21 (VNY) +(src/, param/omfchain.par) A new optional parameter maxrawcountrate is introduced to establish the upper threshold for source PSF-photometry (required by omdetect). Version 1.37.1 - 2010-03-26 (VNY): documentation updated. Version 1.37 - 2010-01-31 (VNY) +(src/, config/omfchain.par) The default value of the parameter bkgfromimage is set to NO; The wrong intermediate image file name is corrected; Protected against possible shortening of the postscript file name by pgplot in the task lcplot. Version 1.36 - 2010-01-31 (VNY) +(DEPEND, config/omfchain.par) Updating the dependencies; changing the default value of the parameter bkgfromimage to "yes". Version 1.35 - 2010-01-26 (VNY) +(src/, config/omfchain.par) New parameters are introduced to control the modified task omlcbuild. The parameter, "bkgfromimage=yes/no" allows using the background obtained from the accompanying imaging data. The parameter "psfphotometryenabled=yes/no" allows psf-photometry of the source in the task omdetect-5.22 Version 1.34.3 - 2008-05-20 (VNY) +(config/omfchain.par) The default value of the parameter nsigma is set to 3 instead of 2 in order to reduce the number of spurious sources detected in the fast window (SSC-SPR-6462). Version 1.34.2 - 2007-06-07 (VNY) +(src/ Fixing a bug of the previous version: by accident a few task were excluded from processing (restoring them). Version 1.34.1 - 2007-06-07 (VNY) +(src/ Increasing the source extraction radius for very bright sources, which are badly affected by coincidence losses and modulo-9 noise in order to avoid negative background counts, which is happen when applying the standard background calculation procedure designed for the normal sources. Effectively, in these cases the background extraction region is forced to zero size (fixing SSC-SPR-3144). Version 1.34 - 2006-05-23 (VNY) A protection against generating an empty PDF-file is introduced (SSC-SPR-3604) for the rare cases when the omlcbuild task for some reason could not produce the light-curve PS-plot Version 1.33.1 - 2006-05-18 (VNY) Checking for the consistency of the sampling and binning intervals is introduced (SSC-SPR-3598) Version 1.33 - 2005-11-10 (VNY) Adjusted to the changes in the source region file made by omdetect (SSC-SPR-3538) Version 1.32 - 2005-09-09 (VNY) Dependency file updated to fit the changed task omlcbuild-1.25 (SSC-SPR-3507) Version 1.31.8 - 2005-06-15 (VNY) Protected against a crash when a magnifier filter exposure is found in the ODF (SSC-SPR-3480) Version 1.31.7 - 2005-05-23 (CB1) Ammended DEPEND file to fix build problem. Version 1.31.6 - 2004-05-28 (VNY) +(src/ The subroutine GetCurrentDirectory is modified in order to protect it from a failure during the test in Mac-machines Version 1.31.5 - 2004-05-27 (VNY) +(test/testomfchain) picking un the SAS_ODF variable is modified in order to avoid test failure on Mac-machines Version 1.31.4 - 2004-02-24 (VNY) The statement use DAL removed, since it is not necessary anymore. Version 1.31.3 - 2004-02-11 (VNY) The parameter --odf has been remover from the calls to all of the tasks (SSC-SPR-3254) Version 1.31.2 - 2004-02-11 (VNY) the parameter --odf was removed from the calls to omprep. This could cause crashes in some computers (SPR-3254) Version 1.31.1 - 2004-02-01 (VNY) The problem described in SSC-SPR-3238 is fixed. In the case of the output directoy chosen to be different from that containing the input ODF there was a possibility of missin a flat-field file (FFX) created to satisfy omfastflat task. At the same time the task is protected against crashing when the verbosity level is higher than seven. Version 1.31 - 2003-11-21 (VNY) DEPEND file updated to match the new version (3.0) of ssclib Version 1.30 - 2003-09-29 (VNY) A part of the code was restored that creates a unit flat field file (FFX) in the case of not finding a real FFX in the curret ODF: this was removed temporarily for test purposes and not restored by a mistake (SSC-SPR-3151) Version 1.29 - 2003-06-16 (VNY) the task is cleaned from the PERL-5 error messages, when the latter is working in its strict mode Version 1.28 - 2003-02-28 (VNY) DEPEND file modified now uses DSSLIB-5.2 instead of 4.0 Version 1.27 - 2002-10-21 (VNY) DEPEND file modified: now needs OMDETECT-4.1 instead of V3.6 Version 1.26 - 2002-09-27 (VNY) DEPEND file updated (now dsslib is 4.0). First call to OMPREP is modified in accordance to the updated modeset parameter (modeset=3 for tracking). Version 1.25 - 2002-06-11 (VNY) +(src/ Formation of the list of the input ODF-files is changes in order to cope with the local codification table at Jupiter machine (SPR-2876) Version 1.24 - 2002-06-10 (VNY) + (src/ Modified to make it look into the correct directory for the SAS summary file when SAS_ODF has been set to point to the file (fixes SPR 2899). A bug with redirection of the FFX-file has been fixed (SPR-2900). +(config/ GROUPS parameter has been set to 'om' instead of 'pipeline'. Version 1.23 - 2002-05-22 (VNY) DEPEND and +config/onfchain.par files have been updated in order to work with new PARAM-2.0 Version 1.22.7 - 2002-04-18 (VNY) +(config/omfchain.par) Default value for the source extraction radius has been reduced down to 6 pixels in order to increase signal-to-noise ratio and improve estimation of background Version 1.22.6 - 2002-03-26 (CB) DISTRIBUTION changed to world Version 1.22.5 - 2002-03-22 (VNY) +(test/0202_0099010101_SCX00000ROS.ASC) missed orbit file in the test directory has been restored (SSC-SPR-2817); smooth size parameter is set to 12 (its default value was 64 that exceeds the Fast Mode window size). Version 1.22.4 - 2002-03-05 (CB) --------------------------------- Output was accidentally redirected to a log file- corrected. Version 1.22.3 - 2002-03-05 (VNY) +(test/0202_0099010101_SCX00000TCS.FIT) a missed file in the test directory has been restored Version 1.22.2 - 2002-01-28 (VNY) +(src/ comment on the creation of the Log-file has been removed Version 1.22.1 - 2002-01-28 (VNY) +(config/omfchain.par) values for the optional parameters have been updated Version 1.22 - 2002-01-08 (VNY) +(DEPEND) dependencies file updated to work woth ssclib V2.0 Version 1.21 - 2001-12-14 (VNY) +(src/, config/omfchain.par) additional input parameters have been introduced in order to make possible online changes of the source extraction radius, as well as some parameters for online improvement of the source detectability by omdetect. Dependencies are updated. Version 1.20.1 - 2001-11-19 +(src/ The names have been changed for the Tracking History Plot, Tracking Star Timeseries, and OSW Source List files (converting them to the pipeline products). PNG-extention of the Tracking History Plot file was replaced with the extention .PS (Postscript file), SPR-2630. Version 1.20 - 2001-10-26 DEPEND file updated to rectify a SOC build problem. Version 1.19.3 - 2001-10-24 DEPEND file updated to rectify a SOC build problem (interp package) Version 1.19.2 - 2001-10-23 + (src/ a bug with the use of non-existing name (tmp_eventlist_1) has been rectified Version 1.19.1 - 2001-10-10 - DEPEND file ammended to rectify a SOC build problem. Version 1.19 - 2001-10-09 + (src/ Modified so that if the environment variable SAS_ODF has been set to a directory the input directory is set to that directory. Further modified so that if the environment variable SAS_ODF has been set to a SAS Summary file the omichain will retrieve the ODF directory from that file and set the input directory to that file. (further fix for SPR 2581) Version 1.18 - 08.10.2001 Name of flatfield created by omflatgen corrected. Parameter "oaldirectory" deleted. Log file removed. Environment variable "SAS_ODF" set automatically to the input directory (SPR 2582). Documentation updated (SPR 2581). Version 1.17 - 24.09.2001 "thxset" parameter has been removed from the call to OMLCBUILD; dependencies have been actualised. Version 1.16.4 - 07.08.2001 Fixed 12-pixel radius is used for the source extraction region (omregion routine) Version 1.16.3 - 31.07.2001 Dependencies file has been actualised (omatt V2.23 has been added) Version 1.16.2 - 30.07.2001 Summary file (SUM) in the test data set have been corrected - the local PATH for the data set has been removed, SPR-2496 Version 1.16.1 - 27.07.2001 Dependencies have been actualised, SPR 2494 Version 1.16 - 17.07.2001 ------------------------ - binsize parameter for lcplot routine has been set to 1 (was 5 by deafault); - bkginner and bkgouter parameters added to the omregion routine call (default values were 1 and 2, now they are 1.2 and 1.8) in order to avoid contamination of the background with the source counts; - dummy flat field file created (FFX) in case it doesn't exist. Deals now with the absence of the tracking history file as well; - input file check flags added; - source magnitudes have been added to the output light curve file; - two new parameters (wdxset and sourcelistset) have been added in the call to the OMLCBUILD in order to correct the photon counts for the counts loss; - OSW sky coordinate images are produced as the output of the programme; - tmp-eventlist-1 was replaced with PPS-eventlist-file in the second call for the OMPREP routine; - output INT-file extention has been replaced with FIT (files BGDREG, BGRATE, SRCREG, SCRATE); - produces light-curve time series and output PDF-files for all sources detected in the OSW; - conversion from PS to PDF is added for the output light-curve graph; - output file names are modified in accordance with the PPS specifications; Version 1.15.1 21 June 2000 Patch to add info file - SPR 1799 Version 1.15 22 March 2000 Added command line parameter functionality using dal Version 1.14 21 March 2000 Updated files in test harness. Updated DEPEND file. Updated ODF sort/check in chain script. Version 1.13 11 Jan 2000 --odfdir altered to --odf Version 1.11 20 August 1999 Changed set to table on evselect command line. Version 1.10 18 August 1999 Updated TCS file in test directory. Version 1.9 16 August 1999 Updated evselect dependency. Version 1.8 29 July 1999 updated for new parameters. Version 1.7 10 December 1998 updated Dependancy file RE: mssllib Version 1.6 2 December 1998 closed SPR 831 : implicit types in test source code Version 1.5 3 Nov 1998 ---------------------- Change dependancy file to acccomodate changes to omthconv Delete missed line from ODF Summary file. Version 1.4 28 Oct 1998 ----------------------- Deleted lines in ODF Summary file. Changed dependancy for omthconv and omfastshift. Version 1.3 13 Oct 1998 Changed 'event-frame' tagging subroutine 'locate' output to solve array out of bounds problem. Changed dependancy file to omfastshift 1.4 Version 1.2: 9 Oct 1998 Updated 'event-frame' locating algorithm in omfasttest.f90 and omfastshift. Changed dependancy file to omfastshift 1.3 Version 1.1: 28 Sep 1998 ------------------------ Updated script for compatability with omthconv and omfastshift Version 1.0: 10 Sep 1998 ------------------------ First version Version 0.1 ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.