ChangeLog for omflatfield ========================= Version 2.6.5 - 2013-07-10 (VNY) ------------------------------- +src/omflatfield_mod.f90: removed a mistake in the usage of the windowDX parameter for checking the value of the binning factor (this parameter is always unbinned and cannot be used for these purposes). Version 2.6.4 - 2013-07-10 (VNY) ------------------------------- +src/omflatfield_mod.f90: Protected from getting a wrong binning factor when having wrong parameters in the WDX-file (fixing the problem reported in SSC-SPR-7109) Version 2.6.3 - 2009-07-22 (CB) ------------------------------- +src Removed ssc library from Makefile to fix gcc 4 build failure Version 2.6.2 - 2009-07-21 (CB) ------------------------------- +src Removed ssc lib from Makefile to fix gcc 4 build failure (forgot to actually do it yesterday). Version 2.6.1 - 2009-07-20 (CB) ------------------------------- +src Removed sscllib from Makefile to fix gcc 4 build failure Version 2.6 - 2009-02-13 (CB) ------------------------------- Removed SSCLIIB from DEPEND file to fix build problem. Version 2.5 - 2003-11-21 (CB) ------------------------------- ChangeLog fix Version 2.4 - 2003-11-21 (CB) ------------------------------- DEPEND file ammended for ssclib 3.0 Version 2.3 - 2003-02-26 (CB) ------------------------------- Uploaded into development track. Version 2.2.5 - 2002-12-05 (CB) ------------------------------- + (src/) ZERODRIFT message corrected (SPR 3037) Version 2.2.4 - 2002-12-05 (CB) ------------------------------- + (src/) ZERODRIFT warning message changed to message (SPR 3037) Version 2.2.3 - 2002-05-29 (CB/SRR) + Documentation updated. Version 2.2.2 - 2002-01-28 (CB) + (config/omflatfield.par) Ammended to rectify build problem (fixes SPR 2768). Version 2.2.1 - 2002-01-28 (VNY) + (config/omflatfield.par) Parameter types have been updated for obligatory parameters. Version 2.2 - 2002-01-08 (CB) ------------------------------- Modified DEPEND file for ssclib. Version 2.1 - 2001-12-13 (CB) ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Program modified to check flatfield image and if unity then warning message outputted saying that no flatfield correction to image will be made. Code and documentation tidied up. Version 2.0.1 - 2001-10-30 ------------------------------- + (src/Makefile) Ammended to cure static build failure. Version 2.0 - 2001-06-04 ------------------------------- + (config/omflatfield.par) Changed parameter name ppsflatset to tsflatset, since this output file is not a PPS product. + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) As above. Version 1.23.4 - 2001-05-01 ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) array INDEX removed temporarily until ts size can be properly determined (fixes SPR-2360) Version 1.23.3 - 2001-03-29 ------------------------------- + (config/omflatfield.par) Parameter ppsflatset mode changed to optional (SPR-2307) Version 1.23.2 - 2001-03-19 ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Further checks added to stop array subscripts going out of range (SPR-2250) Version 1.23.1 - 2001-02-26 ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Checks added to stop array subscripts going out of range (SPR-2250) Version 1.23 - 2001-02-02 ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Code correction to rectify bug (SPR-2217) Version 1.22.2 - 2000-10-17 ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Zero pixel values of flatfield image reset to 1. Version 1.22.1 - 2000-10-17 (AMK) ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Fixed a bug. Version 1.22 - 2000-11-08 (CB) ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Removed some write statements.. Version 1.21 - 2000-10-08 (CB) ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Some minor changes made to reduce execution time. Version 1.20 - 2000-10-05 (CB) ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Some minor changes made to reduce execution time. Version 1.19 - 2000-08-30 (CB) ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Some minor changes made to reduce execution time. Version 1.18 - 2000-08-30 (AMK) ------------------------------- + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) bug removed in which tmp_tracking was being opened twice for reading. + (src/omflatfield_mod.f90) Temporary fix in tmp_image_2. Pixels that have been flagged as missing are set to zero. If this is not done OMDETECT will fail. The quality array has been flagged with a value of 16. OMDETECT will be modified in due course to process the quality array and the fix on tmp_image_2 removed. See the documentation for more details. Version 1.17.3 - 2000-06-14 (AMK) + (doc/omflatfield_description.tex) changed 'fatal' to 'error' in documentation. Version 1.17.2 - 2000-06-13 (AMK) -------------- + (doc/omflatfield_description.tex) corrected documentation for error messaging (SSC-SPR-1645) and (SSC-SPR-1772) Version 1.17.1: 8th June 2000 Added info files to task - SPR 1739 (AMK) Cleaned up memory allocation Version 1.17: 23rd May 2000 Modified to cope with dummy tracking history file Version 1.16: 13th March 2000 Commented out call release in gentest.f90 Reordered call release statments in checkoutput.f90 Version 1.15: 2nd March 2000 Updated test harness Version 1.14: 29th February 2000 Copies input RAW image extension if present to output image. Version 1.13.1: 17 November 1999 + SOC upload: modified checkoutput.f90 (add real around size(image)). Is this a compiler bug? Version 1.13: 8th June 1999 Updated dependancies for V3. Version 1.12: 18 May 1999 Changed fatal datamode message. Version 1.11: 13 May 1999 'Spring clean' of code (tidy, comment and fix bugs). Changed input parameters to conform to new standards. Added checks on input file types. Update testomflatfield and checkoutput for new dataset. Remove calls to CAL. Upgrade shift and add to include incremental shifts. Version 1.10: 26 March 1999 removed accuracyLevel=LOW Version 1.9: 10 December 1998 updated dependancy file RE: mssllib Version 1.8: 2 December 1998 Fixed test for arithmetic overflow. Version 1.7: 14 August 1998 SPR 415 closed: variable names changed Version 1.7: 28 July 1998 Images moved to primary array Version 1.6: 17 June 1998 SPR 417 closed: file permissions changed SPR 414 closed: .par file changed Version 1.5: 27 May 1998 Changed CLEANFILES list. Version 1.4: 21 May 1998 Changelog added DEPEND edited Version 1.3: 7 May 1998 SPR 0233 closed: Test harness altered Version 1.2: 27 April 1998 SPR 0234 closed: Test data set changed SPR 0235 closed: .par file added SPR 0236 closed: datestamp call removed Version 1.1: 20th March 1998 Original version submitted to the SOC