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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

omgchain (omgchain-1.11.1) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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Future developments

Spectrophotometry and wavelength calibration is undergoing improvement. The proper use of grism-specific CAL routines to be introduced. Further tests, checks and improvements of the spectra extraction algorithms will be made. An interactive task for visual inspection and spectral extraction is being developed. Spectrum smoothing possibility to be introduced. Coincidence loss correction to be included.

Figure 3: Original grism image (no Mod-8 correction applied, no rotation); visual spectral band
\epsfysize =8cm
\epsfig{file=U0125320801OMS005.ps, height=15cm}\end{figure}

Figure 4: Mod-8 noise corrected and rotated grism image; visual spectral band
\epsfysize =8cm
\epsfig{file=R0125320801OMS005.ps, height=15cm}\end{figure}

Figure 5: Visual-grism image with the sources detected by omdetect (the source regions are marked with the green ellipses)
\epsfysize =8cm
\epsfig{file=S0125320801OMS005.ps, height=15cm}\end{figure}

Figure 6: Spectrum extracted from the image Fig.5 by omgrism (corresponds to the lowest source in Fig.5)
\begin{figure}\centering\epsfysize =8cm
\epsfig{file=sp005.ps, height=15cm}\end{figure}

Figure 7: UV-grism image (mod-8 noise corrected; image rotated). Note two zero-order spectra overlapping the first order spectrum (target).
\epsfysize =8cm
\epsfig{file=R0125320801OMS014.ps, height=15cm}\end{figure}

Figure 8: Spectrum extracted from the image Fig.7 by omgrism. Note a zero-order spectrum oberlapping with the first-order target spectrum.
\begin{figure}\centering\epsfysize =8cm
\epsfig{file=G0125320801OMS014SPECTR0000.PS, height=15cm}\end{figure}

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01