Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
inpdirectory | no | string | current directory | |
Path/name of the input files directory
outdirectory | no | string | inpdirectory | |
Path/name of the output files directory
comment | no | string | User comment | |
User comment to output
filters | no | List of filters | | |
List of OM filters to be processed
exposures | no | List of exposures | | |
List of OM exposures to be processed
ommodmapnbox | no | integer | 16 | |
ommodmap - Size of sliding box in units of 8 pixels
ommodmapnsig | no | integer | 3 | |
ommodmap - Significance level for sigma clipping
omdetectnsigma | no | float | 2. | 1.0: |
omdetect - number of above background mode required for a pixel to be
regarded as being part of a source
omdetectdetectextended | no | boolean | T | |
omdetect - Run the algorithm that looks for extended sources
omdetectminsignificance | no | float | 3. | 1.0: |
omdetect- Minimum significance of a source to be included in the source-list file
usecat | no | boolean | T | |
omatt - Use the USNO-SA 1 catalog for correcting the star positions
catfile | no | string | usno-catalogue file | usnocat.fits |
Name of usno-catalogue fits file
omattrotateimage | no | boolean | T | |
omatt - Create the rotated sky-image
omsrclistcombnsigma | no | float | 3.0 | |
omsrclistcomb- Used in source-matching number of above which two sources are treated as different
omsrclistcombusecat | no | boolean | T | |
omsrclistcomb - Use the USNO-SA 1 catalog for correcting the star positions
omsrclistcombalignaxes | no | boolean | T | |
omsrclistcomb - If true (default) omsrclistcomb attempts to align
all the images to a common RA/DEC origin.
maxradecerr | no | real | 1.0 | |
Maximum allowed RA/dec error in astrometry fit.
maxrmsres | no | real | 1.5 | |
Maximum allowed rms residual in astrometry fit.
processmosaicedimages | no | boolean | F | |
Process the mosaiced sky-images
ommergelistsregionfile | no | string | | |
Region file name for ommergelists
ommergelistsplotfile | no | string | | |
File name for ommergelists plot file
ommergeliststolerance | no | float | 2. | 1.0:10.0 |
Tolerance (arcsecs) used by ommergelists in source-matching
psfphotometryenabled | no | boolean | F | |
Allows using the PSF-photometry method by the task omdetect;
If true then sources with close neighbours will have their
photometry recomputed using point-spread-function fitting.
Please note that in the current version of omdetect this
method is under development ansd its use is currently disabled.
backgroundmethod | no | integer | 1 | 1:7 |
Specifies the method for the point-source background determination
by the omdetect task (related the PSF-photometry parameter).
maxrawcountrate | no | float | 50. | 0.0: |
A count-rate shreshold limiting the applicability of the
PSF-photometry method in the task omdetect.
rawattitude | no | integer | 1 | 0:2 |
Specifies the usage of attitude data by the task omprep:
if set to 0, the attitude data is used according to the system
variable SAS_ATTITUDe (either RAF or AHF); if set to 1, the raw attitude data (RAF)
averaged over the first 20 seconds of exposure are used, if set to 2 then the raw atitude
data are used averaged over the entire exposure.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |