XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
omphotom (omphotom-1.2.6) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Photometry
There are 7 methods (parameter phototype= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) available for
recomputing the photometry of a point-source. The method to be used for a given source is set
by the parameter ``phototype''.
For FAST mode data, the background image can be obtained from the IMAGING image containing that source,
if it exists.
- phototype=0 Aperture photometry using the specified aperture and inner and outer background annulus radii and
the background subtracted using the given background image (if parameter backgroundsetïs
not set then the background is obtained from the actual image.
If no background image is given the input image will be used instead.
- phototype=1 Aperture photometry using the specified aperture and inner and outer background annulus radii and
the background subtracted using the given value for the background counts per pixel (parameter background¨).
- phototype=2 Least-squares fit to the point-spread function, excluding a constant term,
using a background determined from the background annulus.
- phototype=3 A least-squares fit to the point-spread function, for one or more sources), which includes a constant term for the background.
- phototype=4 Least-squares fit to the point-spread function for one or more sources, excluding the background. The
background is subtracted using a given value for the background counts per pixel.
- phototype=5 Least-squares fit to the point-spread function for one or more sources, including the background and source-position.
- phototype=6 Least-squares fit to the point-spread function for one or more sources, including the source-positions, but
excluding a fit to the background.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01