Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
paramfile | no | string | '' '' | |
name of text file containing all the parameters to be used by omphotom
logfile | no | string | '' '' | |
name of text file for output to be written to
imageset | no | string | '' '' | |
Input image file
backgroundimageset | no | string | ``'' | |
Input background-image file (can be the same as that given for the taskparameter imageset)
oldsrclistset | no | string | '' '' | |
Input product source-list
newsrclistset | no | string | '' '' | |
Output source-list set
sourceno | no | integer | '' '' | |
List of sources to be reprocessed
phototype | no | integer | '' '' | |
List containing photometry method to be used for each source
aperturer | no | real | '' '' | |
List containing aperture radius (pixels) to be used for each source
For high-resolution images that allowed range is 4 to 12 pixels, and
for low-resolition images 2 to 6 pixels.
innera | no | real | '' '' | |
List containing inner background-annulus radius (pixels) to be used for each source
outeraa | no | real | '' '' | |
List containing outer background-annulus radius (pixels) to be used for each source
axialratio | no | real | '' '' | |
List containing aperture axial-ratio (semi-major/semi-minor axes) to be used for each source
pa | no | real | '' '' | |
List containing aperture position angle to be used for each source
(Measured anti-clockwise from the positive x axis.)
background | no | real | '' '' | |
List containing background counts per pixel to be used for a given source
weighting | no | integer | 1 | 1-2 |
Defines the weighting function to be used in PSF fitting(inverse variance of unit weigts)
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |