ChangeLog for omprep -------------------- ------------------------------ Version 2.46.1 - 2014-09-09 (RDS) ------------------------------ +(src/ checked for the LAST occurrence of the "_OM" string when finding the exposure number to avoid problems with directories which contain this string - SPR-7078 ------------------------------ Version 2.46 - 2013-07-13 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/omprep_mod.f90): introduced an additional protection against the possibility of calculating a wrong binning factor for full-frame high-resolution. ------------------------------ Version 2.45 - 2012-07-19 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/omprep_mod.f90): checked the initialisation of variables dummyTHXFlag and others; propagated the keywords BFASTID and SAMPTIME in the output file header ------------------------------ Version 2.44 - 2011-03-24 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/omprep_mod.f90): Correcting the task behaviour for modeset=3 in which case the task should ignore the parameter rawattitude ------------------------------ Version 2.43 - 2011-03-23 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/ ensured that the run-time exception error in is fixed; the code is made compatible with SUN OS ------------------------------ Version 2.42 - 2011-03-22 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/omprep_mod.f90): fixed a run-time exception error caused by an interface between C++ and Fortran-90 ------------------------------- Version 2.41 - 2011-03-21 (VNY) ------------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90): fixed a syntax error ------------------------------ Version 2.40 - 2011-03-18 (VNY) ------------------------------ A new parameter (rawattitude) is included to allow using the raw attitude data file (RAF); the possible values of this parameter are 0,1 or 2: 0- for use the current setting of the SAS_ATTITUDE variable, 1- for using the average of the first 20 seconds of the raw attitude data and 2- for using the average over the entire time span of the exposure (SSC-SPR-6652). Version 2.39 - 2010-08-19 (VNY) fixing a bag which might lead to a wrong exposure ID in the header of the output file. Version 2.38.2 - 2009-06-01 (VNY) Adding a warning message for the cases when a binning factor in the WDX table was found wrong (SSC-SPR-6541) Version 2.38.1 - 2009-05-20 (VNY) Protected againt the possibility of picking up wrong binning factors from the WDX-tabele (SSC-SPR-6541) Version 2.38 - 2009-02-10 (CB) ------------------------------ Deleted ssclib from DEPEND file to fix build problem on xmac02 machine (Hadn't noticed it was in the file twice) Version 2.37 - 2009-02-10 (CB) ------------------------------ Deleted ssclib from DEPEND file to fix build problem on xmac02 machine Version 2.36 - 2005-11-10 (vny) ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Protected against oscillating sign of FTFINE caused by telemetry drops (FAST-regime, SSC-SPR-3505) Version 2.35.1 - 2005-10-25 (cb1) -------------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Ammended program so that Engineering-4 data only the keywords BINAX1, BINAX2, BINBPE, WINDOWDX and WINDOWDY are set to what they should be, thus overcoming problems with missing/incorrect attributes in the input image header. (fixes SPR-3532) Version 2.35 - 2005-08-17 (cb1) -------------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) minor modifications to the way the exposure- identifier string is obtaine (fixesSSC-SPR-3502) Version 2.34.5 - 2005-06-09 (vny) -------------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) minor modifications to the warning messages (some of them contained undefined strings - SSC-SPR-3472) Version 2.34.4 - 2005-03-02 (cv) -------------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Further Minor modification made to fix SPR 3438 (CB) Version 2.34.3 - 2005-02-21 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90): The task is adjusted to work woth the Engineering-4 data (SSC-SPR-3443) Minor modification also made to fix SPR 3438 (CB) Version 2.34.2 - 2004-06-29 (VNY) --------------------------------- A bug is fixed, which was leading to a wrong window sizes in the DETSEC-keyword (SSC-SPR-3345). Version 2.34.1 - 2004-01-27 (CB) ------------------------------ String comparison between set and DUMMYTHX.FIT changed to use string INDEX function (fixes SPR 3229). Version 2.34 - 2003-11-21 (CB) ------------------------------ DEPEND file ammended fro ssclib 3.0 Version 2.33 - 2003-10-24 (VNY) ------------------------------ The parameter modeset can be set to 4 in order to work with the grism images (filters GRISM1 or GRISM2 or, respectively 1000 and 200); the task is prepared to be used for processing grism data (SAS-SCR-116) Version 2.32 - 2003-06-16 (VNY) -------------------------------- Added a check of the dummyTHXFlag before extracting the exposure identifier by the routine GetExposureIdentifier (fixes SSC-SPR-3132). If the THX-file is dummy, then the exposure identifier is extracted from PEH-file. Version 2.31 - 2003-06-03 (CB) -------------------------------- Added keyword DATATYPE tp output (fixes SPR 3125) Version 2.30 - 2003-02-26 (CB) -------------------------------- Uploaded into development track Version 2.29.2 - 2002-12-12 (CB) -------------------------------- Documentation ammended (fixes SPR 3055) Version 2.29.1 - 2002-12-12 (CB) -------------------------------- Fixes a bug that has come to light in Leicester pipeline testing. Version 2.29 - 2002-10-17 (CB) -------------------------------- Code tidied up Version 2.28 - 2002-10-08 (CB) -------------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) - Modified to store ccd frametime & dead fraction in image header for omdetect version 4.0 Version 2.27 - 2002-10-03 (CB) -------------------------------- Modified DEPEND file.. Version 2.26 - 2002-06-10 (CB) -------------------------------- Modified config and depend file for param version 2.0. Version 2.25.4 - 2002-05-28 (CB/SRR) ------------------------------------ Documentation updated. Version 2.25.3 - 2002-03-14 (CB) -------------------------------- Documentation corrected. Version 2.25.2 - 2002-02-21 (CB) - +(src/omprep_mod.f90) - Modified to output additional keywords for SCR 84 and also the keyword "EXPIDSTR" (fixes SPRs 2269 & 2270). Version 2.25.1 - 2002-01-28 (CB) - Ammended configuration file (fixes SPR 2721) Version 2.25 - 2002-01-25 (CB) - +(src/omprep_mod.f90) - Modified so that only 1 warning message about negative-pixel values outputted (SPR 2706). Version 2.24 - 2002-01-07 (CB) - DEPEND file modified for ssclib Version 2.23 - (CB) - No changes - uploaded to keep Guiseppe happy. Version 2.22.3 - +(src/omprep_mod.f90) 1-pixel difference in the calculation of DETSEC parameter has been rectified. Check added to ensure exposure time is not zero- if it is then time obtained fro getstartendexp- if still zero program aborted (fixes SPR 2664) Version 2.22.2 - 2001-10-10 Further mod to DEPEND file to rectify SOC build problem. Version 2.22.1 - 2001-10-09 DEPEND file modified to rectify SOC build problem. Version 2.22 - 2001-09-25 +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Modified so that it now picks up the BINBPE parameter directly from the image file (fixes SPR 2565). It also now gets the exposure time directly from teh image file. Can now process Rudi-5 images and engineering 2 and 4 data. Code tidied up. Version 2.21.1 - 2001-07-31 +(src/omprep_mod.f90) OAL_toAttributeMatrix call has been eliminated (the MATRIX array was not used in the programme), dependencies have been actualised. RA_PNT and DEC_PNT keywords changed to RA_SCX and DEC_SCX for FITS consistency. Version 2.21 - 2001-07-25 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Program modified to process fast-imaging data (for fast-chain- PHA column added to output file, TLMIN & TLMAX parameters changed for evselect, DETNAM set to REDUNDANT and various checks added, instrument mode integer variable added). Code tidied up. Version 2.20 - 2001-06-18 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Keyword "BLANK" changed to "MISSPIX"- fits has always complained about the former. Also, code modified for the fast-chain- argument list to sub getstartendexp modified. Version 2.19.5 - 2001-03-07 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) For IMI files, the routine now checks that the actual image size equals that computed from the header parameters "WINDOWDX", WINDOWDY", "BINAX1", "BINAX2" and the binning parameter binBPE- if not a fatal error message is displayed. Done to stop omichain terminating because of a data problem (SPR 2245) Version 2.19.4 - 2001-03-06 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Routine getExposureStartRow revised. Version 2.19.3 - 2001-03-01 ------------------------- +(doc/omprep_description.tex) List of error messages updated. Version 2.19.2 - 2001-01-11 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Correction made to list of filters that omprep will not process. Version 2.19.1 - 2001-01-10 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Filters "GRISM2" and "FILTER_MAGNI" added to the list of filters that omprep will not process. Version 2.19 - 2000-12-14 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Timing attributes added to the data set (SPR 2085) Version 2.18.7 - 2000-11-14 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) DETNAM now set to REDUNDANT, instead of PRIME, if chain equal to 1/ Version 2.18.4 - 2000-11-07 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Initialised "att" parameters to zero to solve problem with omslewchain.. Version 2.18.3 - 2000-11-01 ------------------------- +(src/makefile) Changed ordering of libraries. Version 2.18.2 - 2000-11-01 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Check made to ensure that the filter is a valid one - program aborts if not (SPR 2016). Version 2.18.1 - 2000-10-18 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Several variables that were used when program was running in the omichain, but not in the omslewchain (causing the chain to crash), initialised - (SPR 1987). Version 2.18 - 2000-10-11 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) Removed test write statements. Version 2.17 - 2000-10-11 ------------------------- +(test) SSC-SPR-1978. Brought the data in the test harness up-to-date. Data is taken from the reprocessed cycle 0070. Version 2.16 - 2000-10-02 ------------------------- +(src/omprep_mod.f90) changed call to getstartendexp which now returns the filter. Removed redundant code that determined the filter from the HK file. Version 2.15 - 2000-09-19 ------------------------- +(test/testomprep) changed 'export' statement. Version 2.14 - 2000-08-30 ------------------------- + (src/omprep_mod.f90) added additional code to deal with the case when a tracking history file is not present. A dummy tmp_tracking file is created in this case. The ZERODRIFT option is then implemented. + (src/omprep_mod.f90) implemented the above for the Slew option. + (src/omprep_mod.f90) added the keyword BLANK to the output image files. The BLANK keyword is required by OMFLATFIELD in order to process the quality array. -------------------- Version 2.13.3 - 2000-07-19 -------------- + (src/omprep_mod.f90) added boolean parameter "slewtest" to handle slew data. -------------------- Version 2.13.2 - 2000-06-21 (AMK) -------------- + (src/omprep_mod.f90) (SSC-SPR-1864) added various OAL calls to determine the exposure start time, end time and exposure length. Version 2.13.1 - June 12th 2000 - (AMK) added info files top task - SPR 1766 Version 2.13.1 - June 12th 2000 Removed hardwiring of dimension of 10 for maximum number of guide stars although this was correct. WE saw some data with a maximum of 16. The code now works out the maximum dimension size from the data and uses this. Version 2.13.1 - June 12th 2000 (AMK) Implemented calls to OAL_getodInfo and OAL_getAttitude to get telescope attitude. version 2.13: 17th April 2000 Ammended Documentation for fatal errors. SSC-SPR-1667 version 2.13: 13th April 2000 Added code to support 'no tracking history' option. version 2.12: 7 Jan 2000 closed SPR 1410 - replaced remaining --odfdir in test harness version 2.11: 6 Jan 2000 Added extra extension (RAW) to take copy of image array. This will remain unaltered by following tasks and be used by omdetect version 2.10: 3 December 1999 Added DETSEC and DETSIZE keywords to allow ds9 mosaicing. (Warning: Still some binning issues need solving with this) Version 2.9: 2 December 1999 Added DISTRIBUTION (world) file Replaced old PEH file with new PEH configuration. Changed --odfdir to --odf in test harness. Version 2.8: 30 July 1999 Update task to read Filter Wheel Position and Acquisition Mode from Periodic Housekeeping file. Version 2.7: 21 July 1999 Task now writes SAMPTIME and BFASTID keywords to fastmode event list. Task now calls getexposure instead of getstartendexp Version 2.6: 8th June 1999 Updated dependancies for V3. Version 2.5: 18 May 1999 Removed dependancies on filename checking, used DAL call 'hasBlock' instead. Removed odfdir parameter and CAL call to open CCF. Version 2.4: 20 April 1999 Added 'oalodf' directory to 'test' directory and change test command to use local odf. Changed parameters names to conform to new convention. Version 2.3: 12 April 1999 'Spring clean' of code (tidy, comment and fix bugs). Changed input parameters to conform to new standards. Changed input to detect either image, fast mode or tracking history files. Added checks on input file types. Corrected exposure time calculation. Update testomprep and checkoutput for new dataset. Version 2.2: 26 March 1999 Changed rvec(sciwin - 1, 0) -> rvec(sciwin, 0) Version 2.1: 10 Dec 1998 Changed dependancies for mssllib-2.0 Version 2.0: 3 Sep 1998 Changed to deal with OM FAST mode event list ODF as well as imaging mode NB task parameters changed Version 1.7: 27th Aug 1998 SPR 522 closed: omprep now looks for keywords in image extension of ODF unused keywords no longer read Version 1.6: 28 July 1998 images moved to primary array Version 1.5: 7 July 1998 SPR 477 closed: omprep.tex restored to original format Version 1.4: 16 June 1998 SPR 432 closed: test harness now checks some keywords SPR 430 closed: psw comments deleted SPR 428 closed: bibliography calls removed from documentation SPR 427 closed: .par file changed Version 1.3: 21 May 1998 DEPEND edited ChangeLog added Version 1.2: 8 May 1998 Test harness changed Version 1.1: 27 April 1998 SPR 247 closed: datestamp call removed Version 1.0: 20 March 1998 Original version submitted to SOC