Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
set | yes | string | none | |
name of input ODF to be cloned
nphset | yes | string | none | |
name of OM Non-Periodic Housekeeping File
pehset | yes | string | none | |
name of OM Periodic Housekeeping File
wdxset | yes | string | none | |
name of OM Priority Window Data Auxiliary File
outset | yes | string | none | |
name of output file
modeset | no | integer | | 0-3 |
specifies whether being run in imaging mode (0), fast mode (1), slew
mode (2) or tracking mode (3)
rawattitude | no | integer | | 0-2 |
specifies whether the attitude data is taken from the file specified by
using the current setting of the system variable SAS_ATTITUDE (attitude
history file, ATH, or raw attitude file, RAF) or from the RAF file, averaging its values
for the first 20 seconds of observation (1) or for the entire exposure time (2)
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |