ChangeLog for ompsfprofile ================= Version 1.4.1 - 2013-11-13 (VNY) ----------------------------- +src(ompsfprofile_mod.f90): added a new parameter sigmaPoisson to the call of the subroutine getBackgroundMode1 (fixing the problem reported in SSC-SPR-0007157). Version 1.4 - 2012-06-26 (VNY) ----------------------------- +src(ompsfprofile_mod.f90) Extending the PSF profile to 12 unbinned pixels; adding two new columns to the output table (the number of counts per frame and the 6/12-pixel ratio of the profile) Version 1.3 - 2011-11-05 (VNY) ------------------------------ +src(ompsfprofile_mod.f90) Fixed a bug resulting in erroneous values in the output columns for the source max and total counts. Version 1.2 - 2011-11-05 (VNY) ------------------------------ +src(ompsfprofile_mod.f90, ompsfprofile1_mod.f90) Added the source counts in its centre and the total number of source counts into the output table; added a new parameter cumulativetype to use two different methods for computing the cumulative counts inside of circle centred on the source. Version 1.1 - 2011-10-08 (VNY) ------------------------------ +src(ompsfprofile_mod.f90, ompsfprofile1_mod.f90) Improved the background calculation by using median values insetad of the averages; improved the calculation of the integral growth curve by correcting the integration procedure. Version 1.0 - 2011-06-10 (VNY) -------------------------------- +src ompsfprofile_mod.f90: new parameter for the output FITS data set with PSF profiles for individual sources and average profiles is introduced. Version 0.5 - 2010-01-40 (CB) -------------------------------- +src graph_mod - replaced pgline by pgmove and pgdraw to fix build failure on xmac02 Version 0.4 - 2010-01-23 (CB) -------------------------------- +test - Ammended test-harness to fix failure on some machines Version 0.3 - 2010-01-23 (CB) -------------------------------- +src Fixed build failure on sasbld02 Version 0.2 - 2010-01-22 (CB) -------------------------------- +src Corrected line 159 in ompsfprofile_mod.f90 to fix build failure +doc Corrected document to fix build failure Version 0.1 - 2010-01-21 (CB) -------------------------------- First uploaded version of this task (SCR 291)