ChangeLog for omregion ====================== Version 2.14.1 - 2016-01-12 (AI) ------------------------------ +(src/omregion_mod.f90) New NAGFor compiler 6.2 throws an Overflow exception for some integer values. To solve this problem we have added two new null Int8 and Int16 definitions. Version 2.14 - 2012-11-30 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/omregion_mod.f90): Added the capability of picking up the columns from the combined and merged source lists produced by the tasks omsrclistcomb and ommergelists Version 2.13 - 2012-11-30 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/omregion_mod.f90): Replaced the source column names from RA, DEC to RA_CORR, DEC_CORR to get the region file corresponding to the astrometry-corrected source positions. Version 2.12 - 2012-11-30 (VNY) ------------------------------ +(src/omregion_mod.f90): Introduced the possibility for creating a region file for sky images in the OM Imaging mode. Version 2.11.2 - 2010-03-14 (VNY) -------------------------------- +(src/omregion_mod.f90): Protected against the possibility of duplication of the main source (SSC-SPR-6601). In the case the distance between the main and contaminating sources is less than 3 pixels, the avoiding source is considered to be a duplicate and, thus, is not included into the output region file Version 2.11.1 - 2007-06-22 (VNY) ------------------------------- +/test/checkoutput.f90 To fix SSC-SPR-3684 the running of the code checkoutput.f90 is suppressed since it was doing quite unimportant checks, but casusing a problem on the Mac computer. Version 2.11 - 2003-11-21 (VNY) ------------------------------- DEPEND file updated to match the new version (3.0) of ssclib Version 2.10 - 2003-07-16 (VNY) ------------------------------ (+/src/omregion_mod.f90, +/test/checkoutput.f90) A small mistake is corrected, which was producing one-pixel shift of the source region with respect to the source position given by OMDETECT (SSC-SPR-3138) Version 2.9 - 2002-09-26 (VNY) ----------------------------- DEPEND file has been updated (dependence on sas-1.312 included) Version 2.8 - 2002-06-10 (VNY) - +(config/ GROUP parameter is set to 'om pipeline' instead of previous 'pipeline' Version 2.7 - 13.05.2002 (VNY) - DEPEND and +/src/omregion.par files are updated in order to work with new PARAM-2.0 Version 2.6.4 - 09.05.2002 (VNY) - ChangeLog-file corrected Version 2.6.3 - 14/03/2002 (CB) (+/doc/omregion_description.tex) Documentation corrected. Version 2.6.2 - 28/01/2002 (VNY) (+/config/omregion.par) - meanings for the obligatory and optional parameters have been updated. Version 2.6.1 - 28/01/2002 (VNY) (+/src/omregion_mod.f90): the output background extraction area is analysed from the point of view of its size. If neighbour sources in the vicinity of the target have large avoiding circles, the background extraction area could became too small or even of zero size. In this case EVSELECT, which uses the region expression created by OMREGION, will not extract background events. In order to avoid this situation, OMREGION task, analyses the background area and, in the case of its being smaller than 100, attempts to reduce the contaminating source's radius down to 6 pixels or, if there are no contaminating sources nearby, OMREGION produces a warning message (SSC-SPR-2702). Version 2.6 - 08/01/2002 (VNY) (DEPEND): dependencies file has been updated to work with higher version of ssclib (2.0) Version 2.5 - 12.12.2001 (VNY) (+/src/omregion_mod.f90): the radius for the avoiding circles is taken from the input parameter "srcradius" for the case if it is negative. This permits to improve the exposure-to-exposure stability of the output lightcurves. The avoiding circle radius within the background area is set to abs(srcradius). If the avoiding circle is within the source area, it is set to 0.8*abs(srcradius). Version 2.4 - 10.12.2001 (VNY) (+/src/omregion_mod.f90): possible contamination of the source extraction area by a neighbour source is fixed: avoiding circles have been added to the source region table (similar to the avoiding circles in the background extraction area), SSC-SPR-2669. Version 2.3.1: - 18 October 2001 (VNY) Dependencies have been updated to rectify the task build. No srcRadius reduction applied when another source is in the vicinity of the target (only for the case when the srcradius parameter is negative, and only for the FAST mode) Version 2.3: - 07 August 2001 (VNY) the meaning of the "srcradius" parameter has been changed: now it is in pixels if it is negative. In this case the radius is taken fixed as ABS(SRCRADIUS). If the paraneter is positive, its meaning is as before, i.e. the radius of the source region expressed in the units of FWHMs. Version 2.2.1 - 27 July 2001 (VNY) DESCRIPTION keyword has been added in the file Version 2.2: - 28 May 2001 (VNY) variables with the OSW origin have been added (window0, windowX0, windowY0, windowX1, windowY1); necessary attributes have been added to the source and background region tables; windowX0 and windowY0 have been added to the coordinates of the avoid circle. Version 2.1: - 05 October (CB) Added miising info file. Version 2.0: - 07 July 2000 (AMK) ------------ + (config/ Added. (SSC-SPR-1802) Version 1.9: 18 April 2000 cahnge agin to solve build problem Version 1.8: 13 April 2000 change to solve omfchain failure Version 1.7: 17 March 2000 Updated copyattributes to copyallattributes Removed check on SHAPE column in test harness. Version 1.6: 2nd December 1999 Added DISTRIBUTION (world) file Version 1.5: 8th June 1999 Updated dependencies for V3 delivery. Update testomprep for exit values. Version 1.4: 27th May 1999 'Spring clean' of code (tidy, comment and fix bugs). Changed input parameters to conform to new standards. Update testomprep for new parameters Updated Dependancy and make files RE: mssllib/pgplot. Added Final lines in Makefiles. Version 1.3: 10th December 1998 updated Dependancy file RE: mssllib Version 1.2: 28th October 1998 SPR 552 closed: code conforms to coding standards SPR 696 closed: test tests for binner < backouter Version 1.1: 28th Sep 1998 SPR 537 closed: dot removed from par file Version 1.0: 26th August 1998 make check passed Version 0.1 ---------------------------- - Created 28 May 1998 - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.