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omscattered (omscattered-1.3.4) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

Computing the scaling factor Algorithm Comments Home Index

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The sequence of operations of the task omscattered

  Read parameters

  Read the input image
  Read the calibration image

  If the input image is binned than apply the same binning factor
  to the calibrated image (the calibrated image is supposed to
  be a full-frame high-resolution image) 

  Check that the filters for each file are identical- if not issue a warning.  

  Prepare the output image by crating an empty array having 
  the same sizes as the input image and copy the header parameters 
  from the input image to the output image 

  Remove point sources from the input image (by masking them)

  If mode=1 (the main algorithm) then  

       Compute the background B1 inside of the ring-shaped region of the input image

       Compute the background B2 inside of the same region of the calibrated image  

       Compute the scaling factor S as S=B1/B2

       Subtract the scaled calibrated image from the input image:

                 OutputImage = InputImage - S * CalibratedImage + B1

   If mode=2 then

       Compute the background B1 inside of the peripheral ring-shaped region
       of the input image

       Compute the count level C1 inside of the ring-shaped region corresponding to
       the central scattered light feature of the input image
       Compute the background B2 of the peripheral region of the 
       calibrated image

       Compute the count level C2 inside of the ring-shaped region corresponding to
       the central scattered light feature of the calibrated image
       Compute the scaling factor S as S=(C1-B1)/(C2-B2)

       Subtract the scaled calibrated image from the input image:

             OutputImage = InputImage - S * (CalibratedImage - B2)

   If mode=3 then

       Compute the background B2 of the peripheral region of the 
       calibrated image 
       In a loop changing the scaling factor from S=0.2 to 2.8 with spep 0.02:

          Subtract the scaled calibrated image from the input image:

             OutputImage = InputImage - S * (CalibratedImage - B2)

          Compute the background B1 inside of the peripheral ring-shaped region
          of the output image

          Compute the count level C1 inside of the ring-shaped region corresponding to
          the central scattered light feature of the output image
          Compute the difference between the count levels of these two values:

                D = abs(C1 - B1)

       Chose the optimal value of the scaling factor S_opt correponding 
       to the minimum of D from the above loop

       Subtract the scaled calibrated image from the input image using the
       scaling factor S_opt:

             OutputImage = InputImage - S_opt*(CalibratedImage - B2)   
   Write output image

The main algorithm (mode=1) is used as the default option for the task. An example of the output image obtained by applying the algorithm with mode=1 to the input image from Fig.1 is shown in Fig.5.

Figure: The same example of the XMM OM image as in Fig.1 after applying the scattered light removal algorithm (Mode=1, Obs. ID 0112250301, exposure 006, filter V).
\epsfig{file=P0112250301OMS006IMAGEremoved_m1.FTZ.eps, height=7.5cm}\end{figure}

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01