XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
omsource (omsource-1.25.1) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
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The following gives the various command lines for running the program.
- omsource In this case the program will prompt the user
to select an image file, either from a list of previously assessed files
or from a directory. When the main window is displayed the user will also
be able to select an existing source-list file by clicking on the
load source-list button. She can also load another image by clicking on
the load image button.
- omsource imageset=... newsrclistset=... For creating a new
source-list file (no parameter oldsrclistset specified). The image
stored in the image file specified by the parameter imageset is displayed
and the user can then either select sources manually, or run the SAS task omdetect
to detect sources. The created source-list will be stored after clicking on the exit
- omsource imageset=... backgroundimageset=
The image stored in the image file specified by the parameter imageset is displayed
without any source regions shown. The user can either select sources
manually, or run the SAS task omdetect to detect sources. Again,the
user can load a source-list by clicking on the load source-list button.
When aperture photometry is performed the image specified by the parameter
backgroundimageset will be used. This may be particularly useful
for FAST mode photometry, in which a larger image can be used to obtain
the background.
- omsource imageset=... newsrclistset=... wdxset=... This is
similar to the previous case, except that the wdxset parameter has
been used. This parameter is needed when running omsource on images reduced
using SAS software versions prior to 5.4.
- omsource imageset=... oldsrclistset=... newsrclistset=... The
sources stored in the source-list file specified by the parameter oldsrclistset
are loaded the image file specified by the parameter imageset is displayed
with the source regions overlaid. Each source is numbered.
- omsource imageset=... oldsrclistset=... newsrclistset=... wdxset=... Same as before,
except that the wdxset parameter has been specified, which is needed
when running omsource on images reduced using SAS software versions prior to 5.4.
- omsource wdxset=... Same as before, except that the
wdxset parameter has been specified, which is needed when running
omsource on images reduced using SAS software versions prior to 5.4.
- omsource oldsrclistset=... As before, except that the user
wishes to modify an existing source-list file.
- omsource oldsrclistset=... wdxset=... Same as before, except that the
wdxset parameter has been specified, which is needed when running
omsource on images reduced using SAS software versions prior to 5.4
When the program is running the user can load a new image/source-list file at
any time. When the user exits the program and the parameter
newsrclistset was omitted from the command-line and changes to
source-list have been made, the program will display a text-input
box allowing the user to type in the name of the new source-list file.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01