ChangeLog for omthconv =============================== Version 1.34.1 - 2009-07-21 (CB) ------------------------------ +src Deleted ssc lib (not needed) from Makefilefile to fix gcc4 build failure Version 1.34 - 2009-02-14 (CB) ------------------------------ Deleted ssclib from DEPEND file again to fix build problem on xmac02 machine =============================== Version 1.33 - 2009-02-11 (CB) ------------------------------ Deleted ssclib from DEPEND file to fix build problem on xmac02 machine Version 1.32 - 2005-08-17 (CB) -------------------------------- Made a minor modification to get the exposure identifier from the header from the thxset file (fixes SPR 3501) Version 1.31.1 - 2005-03-02 (CB) -------------------------------- Made a minor modification to fix SPR 3439 Version 1.31 - 2003-12-01 (CB) -------------------------------- Variable OBTStart initialised to 0 to fix test-harness failure in low-memory test. Version 1.30 - 2003-11-21 (CB) -------------------------------- Small fix to DEPEND file Version 1.29 - 2003-11-21 (CB) -------------------------------- DEPEND file ammended for ssclib 3.0 Version 1.28 - 2003-02-26 (CB) -------------------------------- Uploaded into development track Version 1.27.12 - 2003-01-20 (CB) -------------------------------- +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) modified code tp get exposure identifier string to correct failure in Leicester pipeline Version 1.27.11 - 2003-01-09 (CB) -------------------------------- Fixed test-harness failure. Version 1.27.10 - 2003-01-08 (CB) -------------------------------- +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) exposure id string checked to ensure not X... to prevent oal call failure- fixes omfchain problem. Version 1.27.9 - 2003-01-06 (CB) -------------------------------- Updated files in test directory to fix test failure. Version 1.27.8 - 2002-11-04 (CB) -------------------------------- +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) Replaced call to "getstartendexp" by oal call. Fixes SPR 3056 Version 1.27.7 - 2002-11-04 (CB) -------------------------------- Makefile in config directory ammended to cure build failure Version 1.27.6 - 2002-11-01 (CB) -------------------------------- DEPEND file ammended to cure build failure Version 1.27.5 - 2002-10-31 (CB) -------------------------------- Invalid layout file deleted to cure build failure Version 1.27.4 - 2002-05-28 (CB) -------------------------------- +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) Added attributes EXPIDTR and ATT_SRC (SPRS 2879 & 2880) Version 1.27.3 - 2002-05-28 (CB/SRR) -------------------------------- Documentation updated. Version 1.27.2 - 2002-03-14 (CB) -------------------------------- Documentation corrected. Version 1.27.1 - 2002-01-27 (CB) Configuration file ammended (SPR 2722). ___________ Version 1.27 - 2002-01-08 (CB) ___________ DEPEND file ammended. Version 1.26 - 2001-12-14 (VNY) prepared for new SAS release Version 1.25.1 - 2001-10-18 (VNY) dependencies have been updated to rectify the task build Version 1.25: - 2001-09-28 (VNY) +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) obtTags was already in the correct time format (not Tags). Therefore, it was not necessary to convert it to time units using OAL_obtToTimeTag. This call was replaced with an asiggment statement. Version 1.24: - 2000-02-07 (CB) ------------ +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) Call to MSSLIB function "getStartendexp" modified to use the new argument setting the instrument mode. Version 1.23: - 2000-12-05 (CB) ------------ +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) Value of attribute MJDREF corrected (SPR 2084) Version 1.22.1: - 2000-11-09 (CB) ------------ +(config/ "om" added. Version 1.22: - 2000-10-11 (AMK) ------------ +/(test) SSC-SPR-1979. Brought data in test harness up-to-date. Data is now from reprocessed cycle_0070. Version 1.21: - 2000-10-04 (CB) ------------ +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) Removed "use convertstringtointeger_mod" to rectify build problem.. Version 1.20: - 2000-09-22 (AMK) ------------ +(src/omthconv_mod.f90) changed the call to getstartendexp to include the new parameter filterString. This is not used in the task but required for consistency.. Version 1.19: - 2000-09-22 (AMK) ------------ +(src/Makefile) changed order of libraries in order to make the static build. Version 1.18: - 2000-09-19 (AMK) ------------ +(test/testomthconv) changed 'export' statement Version 1.17: - 2000-09-08 (AMK) ------------ +(src.omthconv_mod.f90) fixed bug connected with opening a file. Open SPRs Version 1.16.2 : 8th June 2000 (AMK) Corrected COFIGFILES entry in config Make File. SPR 1731 Version 1.16.1 : 30th May 2000 (AMK) Added info files to task Version 1.16 : 11 April 2000 (JFR) Updated task to exit gracefully when no tracking information present. Version 1.16: 17 March 2000 (JFR) Modified TCS file to work with "uint" oal Version 1.15: 6 Jan 2000 Test harness altered. --odfdir changed to --odf Version 1.14: 2nd December 1999 Added DISTRIBUTION (world) file Version 1.13: 18th August 1999 Updated TCS file in test oal dir. Version 1.12: 8th June 1999 Updated dependancies for V3. Version 1.11: 27 May 1999 SPR 591 accepted. Removed call to open oal. Version 1.10: 21 April 1999 Updated 'message' call to conform to new syntax. Version 1.9: 15 April 1999 'Spring clean' of code (tidy, comment, update dependancies and fix bugs). Changed input parameters to conform to new standards. Added checks on input file types. Corrected exposure time calculation for new getstartendexp_mod call (no periodic hk needed now). Updated test for new dataset and task parameters. Updated Documentation. Version 1.8: 5 January 1999 SPR 603 closed: Task checks ODF datatype keyword SPR 556 closed: Coding standards Documentation updated Version 1.7: 10 December 1998 updated Dependancy file RE: mssllib Version 1.6: 3 November 1998 Deleted missed line from ODF summary file Version 1.5: 28 October 1998 Deleted lines from ODF summary file. Version 1.4: 15 October 1998 SPR 604 closed: TIMEUNIT written in caps to both header and extension Version 1.3: 28 Sep 1998 Bug fix in test harness Version 1.2: 16 Sep 1998 Changed OAL path re: mail wrt 15 Sep. Problem still exists Version 1.1: 15 Sep 1998 Added line 'Call release(outTable)' to fix test FAILURE re: email Mike Denby, Version 2 SAS tasks (fwd) Version 1.0: 10 Sep 1998 ---------------------- First version Version 0.1 ----------------------------