XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
omvariability (omvariability-1.3) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Usage
- omvariability
- Use all the OM product source-list files in the current directory as input.
- Add variability parameters to the OM observation source-list file in the current directory.
- Store the source-variability plots in omvariability.ps.
- omvariability plotfile=plot.ps
- Use all the OM product source-list files in the current directory as input.
- Add variability parameters to the OM observation source-list file in the current directory.
- Store the source-variability plots in plot.ps.
- omvariability minnumcounterparts=5 minstd=3
- Use all the OM product source-list files in the current directory as input.
- Add variability parameters to the OM observation source-list file in the current directory.
- Store the source-variability plots in omvariability.ps.
- Only compute variability parameters when there are a minimum of 5 counterparts to a unique source and
the computed standard-deviation of the corrected count-rate is at least 3..
- omvariability directorylist=''directory1 directory2 directory3''
- Use all the OM product source-list files in the directories directory1, directory2 and directory3 as input.
- Store the source-variability plots in omvariability.ps.
- A temporary observation source-list file is created by running omsrclistcomb but deleted.
- omvariability directorylist=''directory1 directory2 directory3'' obsset=observation.fits
- Use all the OM product source-list files in the directories directory1, directory2 and directory3 as input.
- Create an observation source-list file called observation.fits and add the variability columns to it.
- Store the source-variability plots in omvariability.ps.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01