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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

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gti packages

 attfilterExposure-specific attitude data filtering and GTI creationpdf ChangeLog
 gtialignAligns asynchronous GTI files to frame readout boundariespdf ChangeLog
 gtibuildConstructs a GTI table from an ascii description filepdf ChangeLog
 gtimergeMERGE two or more GTI tables into onepdf ChangeLog
 hkgtigenCreate Good-Time-Interval table from HK table datapdf ChangeLog
 orbitCreate a FITS timeseries ``HK-like'' file from the ODF Spacecraft Reconstructed Orbit File.pdf ChangeLog
 selectlibData Selection infrastructure librarypdf ChangeLog
 tabgtigenCreate Good-Time-Interval table from time-varying datapdf ChangeLog

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