InvalidInstState | error |
| The instrument state is not correct. |
InvalidEnergyValue | error |
| The energy level is not given. (This should not happen normally because it has default value. If it happens, it indicates a unknown bug.) |
InvalidAccLevel | error |
| Unknown or incorrect accuracy level. (This should not happen normally because it has default value. If it happens, it indicates a unknown bug.) |
NoCifSpecified | error |
| The file specified in parameter ccf is not a valid CIF. |
InvalidPA | warning |
| Position angle is not supplied.
corrective action: Rotation is not employed or set to 0. Continue |
CCFLog | warning |
| Involved CCF details are printed out.
corrective action: Continue |
UserOwnCCF | warning |
| Will use a particular CIF file intead of the one specified in SAS_CCF.
corrective action: Continue |
InvalidPosWCSInfo | warning |
| One or more of the global attributes REFXCTYP, REFXCRPX, REFXCRVL, REFXCDLT, REFYCTYP, REFYCRPX, REFYCRVL, REFYCDLT are not presented when converting in XY.
corrective action: Provide a dummy WCS setting, for the POS coordinate system and continue. |
InvalidRegionInfo | warning |
| Region information is incorrect or not supplied.
corrective action: Set to default '(DETX, DETY) IN circle(0, 0, 2000)' and continue. |
UnknownModeString | warning |
| If the observing mode is not recognised then the software assumes that the common PrimeFullWindow mode was in use.
corrective action: PrimeFullWindow |
InvalidCCDNR | warning |
| The CCD number is not supplied when converting in RAW.
corrective action: Set to default and continue |