In such cases, psfgen acts as a coordinate converter that converts DET/RAW/XY to TEL. The coordinate is specified by region or image. For example,
psfgen region='(DETX, DETY) IN box(-12962,-579,1400,1600)' instrument=M2
will give the following output:
instrument=M2 theta=648.114 phi=2.51136 rotate=270 coortype=DET xsize=128 ysize=146
which convert (-12962, -579) in DET to (648.114, 2.51136) in TEL.
Please be noted: because region only gives coordinate type and values, ccdnr should be given for RAW input and rotate should be given for XY input.
If there is a xmmselect/evselect image (in fits format) that contains all the necessary information, the application can be simplified as this:
psfgen image=selected_image.fits
Beware of that the input parameters (e.g. rotate) will overwrite the information in the image. Thus parameters can be used to supply additional information that is not in the image.
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01