ChangeLog for region =============================== Open SPRs: ---------- Nil Version 7.13 - 2014-06-04 (AI) ---------------------- + (test/region_batch_test, test/region_pps_test) foreach syntax corrected. Version 7.12.1 - 2010-12-03 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Fixed SPR-6637 (bug appearing in a certain condition with operationstyle=global), with the corresponding additions to the test harness in test/region_test . Version 7.12 - 2010-10-03 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Clean up the test data in test/*/* when make clobber. Version 7.11 - 2010-10-03 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Fixed SPR-6620, 6621 (re operationstyle=batch). - Added region_pps_test and region_batch_test in the test harness. - DEPENDency upgraded to ssclib-4.21, testprods-1.21, fitsutils-1.4 . Version 7.10 - 2010-06-28 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Split some major parts (type definitions, subroutines, functions) of the main source file to newly created {\tt region_aux.f90} and make Library {\tt regionaux} . - Made it a bit more robust. - In order to avoid the test harness getting into an infinite loop in some environments (only LUX, apparently), added a slight numerical margin in the subroutine setOverlapFractions() in {\tt region_aux.f90}. - Added a test-harness source code {\tt testregionaux01.f90} to test the library {\tt regionaux} . Version 7.9.4 - 2009-05-13 (EO) ------------- + ssclib up to 4.8 in DEPEND file. Version 7.9.3 - 2008-06-26 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Fixed the failing test-harness region_test, due to the change of the environment, which now uses SSCLib (so DEPEND ssclib-3.31). Version 7.9.1 - 2007-09-21 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Fixed SPR 3698 (abort sometimes when no source is selected) with update of test-harness. - Updated the History in the document (from Ver.7.1.4). Version 7.9 - 2005-11-17 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Swapped order of CAL_setState(accuracyLevel=ACCURACY_MEDIUM)and call to CAL_psfValidityRanges(). Fixes SPR 3542/3544. - Warning messages in subroutine getEncircEnergyRadii a bit expanded. - Parameter --withboresightfudge (default 'yes') added to region (until sign of boresight psi is corrected). Version 7.8 - 2005-10-25 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Some code rearrangement - Mode --bkgratestyle='image' is now supported. Version 7.7 - 2005-06-09 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Added new parameter --tempset (fixes SPR 3471). - SCTS, BG_MAP columns are now only required if --radiusmode eq 'contour' (fixes SPR 3473) - ID_INST, ID_BAND columns now required only if --radiusmode ne 'userfixed'. Version 7.6 - 2005-02-21 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Changed the noSourcesSelected error to a warning (for nicer running within a script). Version 7.5 - 2004-08-04 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Test harness now fails if test data not found. Version 7.4 - 2004-04-19 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Interfaces to ssclib upgraded to 3.9 standard. Version 7.3 - 2004-04-05 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Now uses data in package testprods. Version 7.2 - 2004-03-25 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Copy of patches to devtrack. Version 7.1.5 - 2004-02-12 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Fixed SPR 3255. Version 7.1.4 - 2004-01-21 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Pending resolution of SOC SPR 2500 I have, as a workaround, patched SSC SPR 3223 by including defaults for all mandatory parameters. - Default for --outunit changed from detxy to xy because as it was, the task would not run if the mandatories were supplied but all others left at default. Version 7.1.3 - 2004-01-13 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Fixed SPR 3205 by left-justifying a string. - Fixed SPR 3206 by removing parameters --calinfostyle and --imageset and making --eventset mandatory. - Fixed SPR 3207 (this was a bug in ssclib). - Introduced some more messages. - Documentation update. - Can't reproduce SPR 3031. Version 7.1.2 - 2003-12-18 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Fixed SPR 3183. Version 7.1.1 - 2003-12-17 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Added 'oal' to the USEDLIBS line. Task wouldn't compile statically without it. Fixes SPR 3178. Version 7.1 - 2003-11-23 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Removed old code. Version 7.0 - 2003-11-10 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Temp_ssclib modules now merged into ssclib-3.0. - Rewritten and expanded, many new and changed parameters. - Some mods to test harness to cope with new parameter names. - As a side benefit the rewrite has fixed SPRs 3027 and 3155. Version 6.4 - 2002-07-12 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Added sas to DEPEND. - Fixed bug (SPRs 2944 and 2945) in which task called tobkgfrac stuff when --radiusmode=enfrac. However I had to temporarily disable the --radiusmode=tobkgfrac stuff. Version 6.3 - 2002-05-17 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Uses param-2.0 - Slight doco fix. Version 6.2.2 - 08 Mar 2002 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Updated DEPEND (including ssclib -> 2.4). - Think SPR 2673 went away during other modifications to region since v-5.0. Version 6.2.1 - 11 Feb 2002 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Slight rearrangements to cope with corrections in ssclib (fixes to SPR 2744). - Removed unecessary dependency on sla. Version 6.2 - 24 Jan 2002 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Changed the way SHAPE column entries in the region files are written, to eliminate spurious characters. - Restored the evselect calls in the test harness. Version 6.1 - 23 Jan 2002 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Updated DEPEND and added evselect. - Fixed test harness (but temporarily commented out evselect calls). - Fixed variable decl., array bound bugs. Version 6.0 - 17 Jan 2002 (IMS SSC/LUX) -------------------------- - Changed the major version number because what started as a bug fixed ended up as a complete rearrangement. - User now has choice between DETX/Y and X/Y systems (via param --outunit). - Changed parameters --regionfile and --bkgregionfile to optional and gave them defaults. - Choice 'tobkgfrac' added to param --radiusmode and param --bkgfraction added to handle this option. - Param --eventfile changed to dataset type ('e') and renamed --eventset. - SPRs 2385 and 2394 closed. Version 5.0 (and earlier: RGW/LUX) ----------- - updated to reflect changes in CAL interface to PSF info. Version 4.9 ----------- - fixed missing dependency in Makefile Version 4.8 ----------- - added identifying keywords to region files Version 4.7 ----------- - documentation update, config. file update (SSC-SPR-1593) Version 4.6 ----------- - updated test harness - added info file Version 4.5 ----------- - documentation updates Version 4.3 ----------- - added GUI layout Version 4.2 ----------- - added adjustradius parameter Version 4.1 ----------- - added DISTRIBUTION file Version 3.6 ----------- - changed parameters to specify source table using the SAS parameter convention - updated to use full WCS info. from event file - documentation updates - now depends on evselect at v3.0 Version 3.5 ----------- - fixed problem with source lists containing zero or one source Version 3.4 ----------- - increased the precision of the determination of the extraction radius in encircled energy fraction mode (now terminates when difference between obtained and requested EEF is <10^-6 (SPR-LUX-1036). - task now looks for SRCLIST extension in the source list, not SRCTBL (SSC-SPR-1014). - fixed bug which caused source extraction regions not to be properly subtracted from the background region (SSC-SPR-1035). - documentation updates (SSC-SPR-1034). Version 3.3 ----------- - documentation updates Version 3.2 ----------- - documentation updates Version 3.1 ----------- - updates to reflect changes in evselect parameters, and CAL upgrade Version 3.0 ----------- - upgrades for SAS v3: add option to calculate size of extraction region using info. from the CAL on the PSF Version 2.5 ----------- - Changed parameter names - Work-around mssllib problems Version 2.1 ----------- - Updated test harness Version 2.0 ----------- - Changed to produce ASC-style FITS region files, rather than ASCII (SSC-SPR-0448) - Use 'constants' module (SSC-SPR-0265) - 'clobber' parameter removed (SSC-SPR-0266) - Hard-coded unit numbers removed (SSC-SPR-0458) - Parameter file improved (SSC-SPR-0448, SSC-SPR-0545) - Source extraction regions are adjusted in size to avoid overlap - New background region modes added (co-axial) Version 1.4 ----------- - Use slalib v1.2 (SSC-SPR-0285) Version 1.3 ----------- - Converted parameter file to .par format (SSC-SPR-0263) - Added DEPEND - Removed "clobber" test Version 1.2 ----------- - Removed obsolete binaries and symbolic links (SSC-SPR-0262, SSC-SPR-0264) - Updated test harness (SSC-SPR-0270) Version 1.1 ----------- - Delivered to SOC Version 0.1 ----------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.