Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
mergedset | yes | e | | |
Input/output data set containing RGS raw events |
srclist | yes | e | rgssources.ds | |
Input data set containing RGS source list |
nbetabins | no | i | 3000 |  |
number of beta bins. |
betabinning | no | s | Range | Range binSize |
Specify channels either as range and number of channels, or as first
channel, channel-width and number of channels |
betamin | no | r | 3.e-2 | |
lower boundary of first beta bin (rad); used when betabinning='Range' |
betamax | no | r | 8.e-2 | |
upper boudary of last beta bin (rad); used when betabinning='Range' |
betabinref | no | r | 3.577e-2 | |
midpoint of the bin for which
(rad); used when
betabinning='binSize' |
betabinwidth | no | r | 4e-6 | |
width of BETA_CHANNEL bin (rad); used when betabinning='binSize' |
nxdispbins | no | integer | 100 |  |
number of cross-dispersion bins. |
lambdabinref | no | r | 4.005 | |
midpoint of bin for which LAMBDACHA is one [Angstrom] |
lambdabinwidth | no | r | 0.010 | |
width of lambda bin [Angstroms] |
nlambdabins | no | i | 3600 |  |
number of lambda bins. |
xdispbinning | no | s | Range | Range binSize |
Specify channels either as range and number of channels, or as first
channel, channel-width and number of channels |
xdispmin | no | r | -1.e-3 | |
lower boundary of first cross-dispersion bin (rad); used when
xdispbinning='Range' |
xdispmax | no | r | +1.e-3 | |
upper boundary of last cross-dispersion bin (rad); used when
xdispbinning='Range' |
xdispbinref | no | r | -7.92e-4 | |
midpoint of the bin for which
(rad); used when
xdispbinning='binSize' |
xdispbinwidth | no | r | 3.6e-6 | |
width of XDSP_CHANNEL bin (rad); used when xdispbinning='binSize' |
withpointingcolumn | no | b | Yes | |
Produce columns SC_POINTING_* with Spacecraft Pointing RA DEC POS |
withmlambdacolumn | no | b | Yes | |
Produce column with based on geometry and given
source position. (Å) |
withheliocentriccorr | no | b | No | |
Corrects column from heliocentric velocity |
withsunanglecorr | no | b | No | |
Corrects column from Sun angle correction |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |