Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
pha | yes | list of files | | |
A list of one or more spectrum files, all produced by
rgsspectrum. The task does not enforce any constraint on
the combining of dissimilar spectra.
rmf | no | string | | |
A list of one or more response matrix files, all produced by
bkg | no | string | | |
A list of one or more background spectrum files, if spectra to be
combined are of type TOTAL. Spectra can be in COUNTS or RATE (as produced by
filepha | no | file | | |
The file name for the output combined spectrum. The default name
varies according to the format: combinedspectra.ds.
filebkg | no | file | | |
The file name for the output combined background spectrum if applicable. The default name
varies according to the format: combinedbkgspec.ds
filermf | no | file | | |
The file name for the output combined response matrix. The default name
varies according to the format: combinedrespmat.ds
rmfgrid | no | int | 4000 | |
The number of energy bins in the response matrix. The default is 4000,
as is the default from rgsrmfgen. All matrices in the observation set must have the
same number of bins to be combined.
min | no | real | 4 | |
The minimum wavelength of output for creating the grid over which to combine
max | no | real | 40 | |
The maximum wavelength of output for creating the grid over which to combine
bins | no | int | 3600 | |
The number of pha channels in the spectra files.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |