ChangeLog for rgsfluxer =============================== Version 1.9.2 - 2016-01-29 (AI) ------------- + Doc updated. Version 1.9.1 - 2015-12-22 (AI) ------------- + New parameters "witharffile" and "arf" Version 1.9 - 2015-12-11 (AI) ------------- + new rgsfluxer implementation to take into account ARF files Version 1.8.4 - 2013-09-02 (AI) ------------- + Doc updated. Version 1.8.3 - 2013-02-27 (AI) ------------- + Bug related to beta binning input spectra fixed. Version 1.8.2 - 2013-02-25 (AI) ------------- + New functionality added to avoid rebinning when all the input spectrum have exactly the same lambda grid. Version 1.8.1 - 2013-02-19 (AI) ------------- + eV~Ang constant taken from caloalutils Version 1.8 - 2012-03-23 (AI) ------------- + Rebinning method only applied if spectral binning and default binning are different. Version 1.7.5 - 2010-04-16 (AI) ------------- + default parameters min, max and bins changed to 4,40 and 3600 + doc updated Version 1.7.4 - 2008-05-23 (AI) ------------- + Check if the input spectra were calculated in wavelength grid or beta grid. In case of a wavelength spectra, calculate the right wavelength channels to accumulate the spectra. Version 1.7.3 - 2006-07-02 (CG) ------------- + Fixed background subtraction bug for background in counts with different exposure time than source spectrum (SPR 2714) Version 1.7.2 - 2007-01-26 (AI) ------------- + The energy grid calculated during the spectrum count rate rebinning, is also uses in the response matrix rebinning method. All the calculation in rgsfluxer converted to double. Fixes SOC-SPR-2700 Version 1.7.1 - 2006-01-20 (CG) ------------- + Wrong model background subtraction fixed (SPR 2643) + Non-subtraction and warning added if background subtraction asked (background files present) but Spectrum already bck-subtracted Version 1.7 - 2005-04-20 (JAC) ----------- + adapted to cope with TOTAL spectra, removing backcounts + if no background given, no change to previous algorithm + adapted to deal with background spectra as produced by rgsbkgmodel + error calculations updated for new background consideration Version 1.6 - 2003-10-20 (CG) ----------- + bug in initialisation of _qualityRank fixed Version 1.5 - 2003-04-02 (CG) ----------- + change to avoid C++ non compliance ( > error in gcc 3.2 ) Version 1.4 - 2002-08-21 (UL) ----------- + now DEPENDs on package sas Version 1.3 - 2002-06-25 (JDR) ----------- - conforms with future standard naming convention for rmf: RSPMAT Version 1.2 - 2002-05-09 (JDR) ----------- - requires param-2.0 Version 1.1.1 - 2002-02-12 (JDR) ------------- - changed output extension name from PRIMARY to FLUXED - infers rmf name from pha name according to new rgsproc convention - updated the task description Version 1.1 - 2002-01-16 (JDR) ----------- - promoted from experimental to approved Version 0.16 - 2001-08-28 (JDR) ------------ - updated for rgsspectrum-1.1 Version 0.15 - 2001-04-24 (JDR) ------------ - updated for rgsspectrum-0.10 (attribute ALPHANOM changed to RGSALPHA) Version 0.14 - 2001-03-23 (JDR) ------------ - requires rgslib-1.10 Version 0.13 - 2000-12-18 (JDR) ------------ - compiles with optimizer enabled Version 0.12 - 2000-11-03 (JDR) ------------ - requires rgslib-1.2 Version 0.11.1 - 2000-10-27 (JDR) -------------- - updated GROUPS Version 0.11 - 2000-09-28 (JDR) ------------ - command-line interface documented in task description Version 0.10 - 2000-09-21 (JDR) ------------ - fixed a syntax error Version 0.9 - 2000-09-19 (JDR) ----------- - compiles under gcc-2.95.2 - moved rgsspectrum to its own package - moved rgsbackreg to rgsregion-2.25 Version 0.8 - 2000-08-02 JDR ----------- - rgsbackreg: channels fully outside the exposed surface are now excluded - rgsspectrum: removed parameter --expthresh and associated functionality - rgsspectrum: added temporary parameter --withaltnan=no - rgsspectrum: changed channel indexing to zero offset as per evselect - rgsspectrum: added attribute SYS_ERR=0 Version 0.7 - 2000-07-27 JDR ----------- - rgsspectrum: replaced --withbackground parameter with --type=net|total|bkg - rgsspectrum: now able to produce a spectrum with only the scaled background - rgsspectrum: added parameter --expthresh to flag underexposed channels Version 0.6 - 2000-07-24 JDR ----------- - rgsspectrum: added attributes LINE_SEP and ALPHANOM - rgsfluxer: no longer requires SOURCES table or CCF Version 0.5 - 2000-07-11 JDR ----------- - now depends on dal-1.21 Version 0.4 - 2000-07-06 JDR ----------- - new version of rgsfluxer: takes output of rgsspectrum Version 0.3 - 2000-06-29 JDR ----------- - finished working draft of rgsspectrum Version 0.2 - 2000-06-23 JDR ----------- - replaced ascii output to stdout with explicit file - added rgsbackreg and rgsspectrum Version 0.1 - 2000-06-15 JDR ----------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker. - working first draft