XMM-Newton SAS Home Page
XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

rgsfluxer (rgsfluxer-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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This section documents warnings and errors generated by this task (if any). Note that warnings and errors can also be generated in the SAS infrastructure libraries, in which case they would not be documented here. Refer to the index of all errors and warnings available in the HTML version of the SAS documentation.

  The number of response matrix files does not match the number of spectrum files; there must be a one-to-one pairing.
  The number of background spectra files does not match the number of spectrum files; there must be a one-to-one pairing.
  The name of a response matrix file can be inferred from the name of the corresponding spectrum file only if the final 14 characters of the spectrum file name begin with ``SRSPEC''.
  The first response matrix file name cannot be ``.''; it must either be ``@'' or else be given explicitly.
  The RFLORDER attribute (reflection order) of the response matrix must match the RFLORDER of the corresponding spectrum.
  The EBOUNDS table of the response matrix must specify the channels in increasing sequential order, starting with CHANNEL=1. Note that this is not required by the OGIP standard for a response matrix file, but is guaranteed by rgsrmfgen.

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01