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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

rgsfluxer (rgsfluxer-1.9.2) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]

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Output Files

The output file is a table with three or four columns. The first three are bin center, flux, and error. The bin centers are given in units of Åor keV depending on the mode: wavelength or energy respectively. Similarly the flux and error are given in $(s\;cm^2 \AA)^{-1}$ or $(s\;cm^2 keV)^{-1}$. The fourth column, the quality flag, is omitted if the quality parameter specifies uniform quality for all bins. The structure of the file depends upon the selected output format:

A FITS-compliant DAL dataset with the table placed in an extension named ``FLUXED''. The four columns are:

CHANNEL real32 bin center
FLUX real32 observed flux
ERROR real32 statistical uncertainty
QUALITY int16 quality flag

A plain-text file, beginning with two comment lines indicated by ``!'' as the first character. The first line lists the names of the columns and the second line describes their units. The table follows; its columns are space-delimited. The name of the first column is either ``wavelength'' or ``energy''. The remaining columns are ``flux'', ``error'', and ``quality'', in that order.

A plain-text file, beginning with the qdp directive, ``READ SERR 2''. The rest of the file is structured in the same way as format=ascii, except that NaN values are written as ``no'' by default.

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XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01