XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
selectlib (selectlib-4.73) [xmmsas_20160201_1833-15.0.0]
Meta Index / Home Page / Description / Example expressions
Table column construction
In the following the symbols RAWX, RAWY stand for names of
existing columns in the table to be processed:
- sqrt(RAWX**2 + RAWY**2)
Constructs a new table column with radius values (provided RAWX
/RAWY contain Cartesian detection coordinates)
- 100. * sin((TIME-#TIMEZERO)/#PERIOD * 360)
Construct a ``predicted intensity'' column for a very simple time-variable
- RAWX + 100
Construct a new column which contains the RAWX coordinates shifted
by 100 pixels
XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01