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Arithmetic constants and identifiers Arithmetic constants and identifiers Times Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / Description / Arithmetic constants and identifiers


Angles can be regarded as ordinary real numbers in units of radians. In addition angles may be expressed in terms of hours, minutes, and second of arc or time (e.g. for Right Ascension, Declination):
format comment evaluates to example
(+|-)xxdxxmxx[.xxx]s degrees + minutes and seconds of arc angle in radians -45d23m59.9s
xxhxxmxx[.xxx]s hours + minutes and seconds of time angle in radians 23h59m24.1s
x stands for a single decimal digit, d, h, m, s are literal characters and square brackets denote optional items. The number of shown digits after the decimal point is not significant.

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01