ChangeLog for slconv ==================== Open SPRs: ---------- 3129 Version 2.5 - 2014-06-04 (AI) ---------------------- + (test/slconv_pl_test) foreach syntax corrected. Version 2.4 - 2009-05-01 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - The new DEPENDency on fitsutils is added (1.0) and that on ssclib is upgraded to 4.8, to follow the change of the place of FITS-related libraries. Version 2.3 - 2009-02-02 (MAS/LUX) ---------------------- - Originally developed by IMS/JBO on 2006-10-19. - Upgraded ssclib dependency to 4.0. - Most logical(bool) types changed to logical. Version 2.2 - 2008-05-14 (MAS/LUX) ------------------------ - Fixed SOC-SPR-6459. The output is now slightly changed (the position of the text are not explicitly specified any more). It now depends on ssclib-3.33.3 and testprods-1.11 . Version 2.1.3 - 2006-05-23 (IMS/LUX) ------------------------ - Slight documentation upgrade. Version 2.1.2 - 2005-11-28 (IMS/LUX) ------------------------ - The change in the previous version introduced a bug. Now fixed. Version 2.1.1 - 2005-11-25 (IMS/LUX) ------------------------ - Error 'noSourcesSelected' changed to a warning for better pipeline running. Version 2.1 - 2005-11-02 (IMS/LUX) ------------------------ - Rearranged entries in this ChangeLog. - Fixed SPR 3307. - Added new parameters --outfilestyle and --outfile to allow the task to be used in the pcms. Version 2.0 - 2005-02-07 (MC/IFCA) ------------------------ - DS9 region colour now written for each source instead of writing it in the header of the region file. - Added new parameter 'shape' for DS9 regions - Updated documentation Version 1.9 - 2004-08-04 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Test harness now fails if test data not found. Version 1.8 - 2004-04-19 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Upgraded ssclib interfaces to 3.9 standard. Version 1.7 - 2004-04-05 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Now uses test data in package testprods. Version 1.6 - 2004-03-25 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Copy of patches to devtrack. Version 1.5.3 - 2004-03-17 (IMS SSC/LUX) ---------------------- - Slight documentation fix (--labelsstyle to --labelstyle). Version 1.5.2 - 2004-01-29 (IMS SSC/LUX) ---------------------- - Fixed SPR 3232: parameter --labelcolour changed to --colour and freed from dependence on --withsrclabels. - Added some messages to indicate when ds9-style integer radius values are equal to zero. Version 1.5.1 - 2004-01-22 (IMS SSC/LUX) ---------------------- - Fixed SPR 3194 by trapping NaN-valued radii. Version 1.5 - 2003-11-24 (IMS SSC/LUX) ---------------------- - Removed old code. Version 1.4 - 2003-11-11 (IMS SSC/LUX) ---------------------- - Temp_ssclib modules now merged into ssclib-3.0. - Added --tempset parameter. - Parameter --radiusexpression made mandatory. - Parameters --ncutsortexpression and --labelexpression made local-mandatory. - A repeated instance of parameter --labelexpression replaced by --sortexpression, which was made local-mandatory. - Parameter --withlabels added (='no' replaces choice of 'none' for --labelstyle). - Changed the test harness to cope with changed parameters. Version 1.3 - 2003-01-10 (IMS SSC/LUX) ---------------------- - Temporarily removed diff from test harness, which was failing on some platforms. Version 1.2 - 2002-11-07 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Copy to devtrack with dependencies upgraded and also using param-2.0. Version 1.1 - 2002-07-11 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Makes use of the column arithmetic facility in selectlib>=4.54 (not yet tested). - Gone back to pre-param-2.0 for sas-5.4.0 release. - Disabled the link to ssclib for the time being; necessary modules have been included explicitly. - Calls to no0s disabled - don't think they are needed provided the character variables are initialized to ''. Version 1.0 - 2002-07-11 (IMS/LUX) ---------------------- - Parameters and gaia output changed around a bit in response to comments on draft task. - Renamed from eslconv to slconv. Version 0.1 - ????-??-?? ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.