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tanToInst Routines for performing coordinate rawToInst (rawToDet) Home Index

Meta Index / Home Page / Routines for performing coordinate


  interface instToRaw
    subroutine instToRawScalarInt16(rawX, rawY, detX, detY, thetaArcsec, phi)
      real(single),   intent(in),  optional :: detX,&
      real(double),   intent(in),  optional :: thetaArcsec,&
      integer(int16), intent(out)           :: rawX,&
    end subroutine instToRawScalarInt16

    subroutine instToRawVectorInt16(rawX, rawY, detX, detY, thetaArcsec, phi)
      real(single),   intent(in),  optional :: detX(size(rawX)),&
      real(double),   intent(in),  optional :: thetaArcsec(size(rawX)),&
      integer(int16), intent(out)           :: rawX(:),&
    end subroutine instToRawVectorInt16

    subroutine instToRawScalarReal32(rawXreal, rawYreal, detX, detY&
      , thetaArcsec, phi, isOffChip)

      real(single),  intent(in),  optional :: detX,&
      real(double),  intent(in),  optional :: thetaArcsec,&
      real(single),  intent(out)           :: rawXreal,&
      logical(bool), intent(out), optional :: isOffChip
    end subroutine instToRawScalarReal32

    subroutine instToRawVectorReal32(rawXreal, rawYreal, detX, detY&
      , thetaArcsec, phi, isOffChip)

      real(single),  intent(in),  optional :: detX(size(rawXreal)),&
      real(double),  intent(in),  optional :: thetaArcsec(size(rawXreal)),&
      real(single),  intent(out)           :: rawXreal(:),&
      logical(bool), intent(out), optional :: isOffChip(size(rawXreal))
    end subroutine instToRawVectorReal32
  end interface

These subroutines convert to chip coordinates (ie, the RAWX/Y or PIXCOORD1 system) from instrument-centric coordinates, the latter being either the DETX/Y (the same, up to a scalar multiple, as the CAMCOORD2 system) or the TELCOORD system, depending on which of the optional variables $detX$, $detY$, $thetaArcsec$ and $phi$ the caller has supplied.

The `int16' routines employ the cal calls CAL_camCoord1ToChipCoord and CAL_chipCoordToPixCoord1. However, these calls have two drawbacks: firstly, they return integer values, and secondly, they are only valid `on-chip'. However there are occasions when it is desirable to obtain finer precision in the chip coordinates and also to be able to out of the strict range. For this reason I wrote the `real32' routines. The latter do not use the cal calls mentioned above. Instead they first move forward by calculating the instrument-centric coordinates of the corners of the CCD; this information is then iused to perform a linear back-transformation of the input instrument-centric coordinates. The logical variable $isOffChip$ is also set.

NOTE this subroutine requires the cal to have been set to the correct instrumentId, ccdChipId and (if instrumentId is EMOS1 or EMOS2) ccdNodeId before the call.

tanToInst Routines for performing coordinate rawToInst (rawToDet) Home Index

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2016-02-01