testodf ======= Version 0.48 - 2011-06-08 (MAS) ------------ + Added pileup03/odf (for 0455/0111360101_002), which is used in the test harness of ebkgmap etc. Version 0.47 - 2011-03-17 (MAS) ------------ + Added pileup01/odf and pileup02/odf , which are used in the test harness of ebkgmap etc. Version 0.46 - 2009-08-11 (MAS) ------------ + Added shortest/odf , which is corresponding to /testprods/ssclib_data/shortest/ . It is the ODF of one of the shortest observations in the standard mode. See shortest/README for detail. Version 0.45.1 - 2005-11-10 (RDS) ------------ + Changed 0001_0000010010_R1X00000OFX.FIT to include all CCDs Version 0.45 - 2004-09-10 (IMS SSC/LUX) ------------ + Added attcalc2 test odfs. Version 0.44 - 2003-12-11 (RDS) ------------ + added scisimsimple/0001_0000010010_R1X00000OFX.FIT: and amended the SUM.ASC file to include it. This is needed to test the rgsdiagnostic cal in the OAL. NB: The OFX file contains the noise map for CCD 1 only to save space. Version 0.43 - 2003-06-13 (GV) ------------ + (Makefile) Adjust so that make clobber does not completely remove lib/testodf. Version 0.42 - 2000-04-29 (JBa) ----------- + recreated with scisim v2.1.a20000427 Version 0.41 - 2000-04-17 (JBa) + recreated with odffix 1.38 and scisim v2.1.a20000414 Version 0.40 - 2000-04-13 (GV) ------------ + use odffix 1.37. Version 0.39 - 2000-04-11 (GV) ------------ + DEPEND on sas. Version 0.38 - (UL) ----------------- + changed SCITYPE in scisim*/*SPE* from 0 to 1 scisim*/*HTE* from 3 to 5 to be in line with v9 of RGS telemetry doc Version 0.37 (JBa) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-1.4 scisimodf-1.4 scisim_v2.1a20000308 odffix-1.35 Version 0.36 (JBa) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-1.4 scisimodf-1.4 scisim_v2.1a20000121 odffix-1.31 Version 0.35 (JBa) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-1.4 scisimodf-1.4 scisim_v2.1a20000112 odffix-1.30 Version 0.34 (JBa) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-1.3 scisimodf-1.4 scisim_v2.1a20000112 odffix-1.30 Version 0.33 (GV) ------------ + added omonly (createtestodfs-1.3). Version 0.32 (Marco Beijersbergen) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-1.2 scisimodf-1.4 scisim_v2.1a19991208 odffix-1.27 Version 0.31 (JBa) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-1.0 scisimodf-1.0 scisim_v2.1.a19991104 odffix-1.26 Version 0.30 (MB) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-0.23 scisimodf-0.27 scisim_v2.1.a19990917 odffix-1.24 Version 0.29 (MB) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-0.23 scisimodf-0.27 scisim_v2.1.a19990917 odffix-1.23 Version 0.28 (MB) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-0.23 scisimodf-0.36 scisim_v2.1.a19990917 odffix-1.22 Version 0.26 (MB) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-0.22 scisimodf-0.32 scisim_v2.1.a19990827 odffix-1.20 Version 0.25 (MB) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-0.20 scisimodf-0.31 scisim_v2.1.a19990827 odffix-1.19 Version 0.24 (MB) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-0.18 scisimodf-0.31 scisim_v2.1.a19990827 Version 0.23 (MB) ------------ + recreated with createtestodf-0.16 scisimodf-0.31 scisim_v2.1.a19990820 Version 0.22 (MB) ------------ + added scisimwga Version 0.21 (MB) ------------ + updated documentation + new ODFs generated with createtestodf-0.13 scisimodf-0.30 scisim_v2.1.a19990810 odffix-1.18 Version 0.20 1999-08-05 (MB) ------------ + now contains the result of createtestodf in the overnight build of 1999805 (createtestodfs-0.9 scisim_v2.1a19990624 scisimodf-0.28 odffix-1.16) Version 0.19 1999-06-03 (MB) ------------ + copied the result from the overnight build, since there seemed to be a problem with the summary file of scisimwobble in 0.18. Version 0.18 1999-06-01 (MB) ------------ + regenerated with scisim-2.0.9 odffix-1.9 scisimodf-0.27 createtestodf-0.6 + includes scisimwobble Version 0.17 1999-04-23 (MB) ------------ + added scisimquad Version 0.16 1999-04-01 (MB) ------------ + creation of ODFs moved to package createtestodfs + regenerated with createtestodfs-0.2 scisimodf-0.27 scisim-2.0.8 Version 0.15 1999-03-18 (MB) ------------ + changed telescope names for scisimodf-0.26. + regenerated with scisim-2.0.7 Version 0.14 1999-03-10 (GV) ------------ + regenerated time correlation files to match the observation tstart/tstop Version 0.13 1999-03-10 (MB) ------------ + added scisimmultiline + regenerated scisimlong Version 0.12 1999-03-02 (MB) ------------ + Fortran random number generator set to intrinsic; luxury produces a line in MOS CCD 6 and 7. ODFs regenerated. Version 0.11 1999-03-02 (MB) ------------ + added scisimlong and recreated all ODFs with scisim-2.0.4. + added documentation. Version 0.10 1999-02-26 ------------ + regenerated with odffix 1.0 (change binax1/2 for OM files). Version 0.9 1999-02-19 ----------- + added generation scripts. Version 0.8 1999-01-28 ----------- + scisimsimple regenerated with updated odffix. This fixes a number of problems (but the corresponding SPRs are closed in a different package) Version 0.7 1998-11-30 ----------- + added OM auxiliary files. Version 0.6 1998-11-19 ----------- + yet again, we had the wrong names around. Introduce the Main Periodic HK file for PN. Version 0.5 1998-11-19 ----------- + more file names changes Version 0.4 1998-11-19 (GV) ----------- + scisimsimple: fixed some of the file names. Version 0.3 1998-11-19 (GV) ----------- + I had lost part of the documentation (!) Version 0.1 1998-11-18 (GV) ----------- + released with simpleodf