; PERSISTENCE OF VISION RAY TRACER ; ; POV-Ray VERSION 3.6 ; ; SAMPLE POVRAY.INI FILE ; ; The general form of the options is "Variable=value". Everything ; between the equals sign and the end of the line is considered part ; of the value. The spacing and layout is free-form but only one option ; per line is allowed. Variables and values are not case-sensitive. ; ; Note: characters after a semi-colon are treated as a comment ; ; Traditional POV-Ray switches beginning with + or - are also allowed ; and they may be given with more than one switch per line. ; ; Add your own options at the bottom and/or edit these to suit. See the ; general documentation for full instructions on how to use INI options. ; ; Width of image in pixels. Accepts integer values. ; Width = 320 ; ; ; Height of image in pixels. Accepts integer values. ; Height = 240 ; ; Sets minimum number of objects before auto bounding kicks in. ; Bounding_Threshold = 3 ; ; ; Turn display on Display=On ; ; Turn verbose mode on Verbose=On ; ; ; Specify path to search for any files not found in current ; directory. Up to 20 such paths may be specified. For example - ; Library_Path="C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for Windows\include" ; There may be some entries already here; if there are they were ; probably added by the install process or whoever set up the ; software for you. At the least you can expect an entry that ; points to the standard POV-Ray include files directory; on ; some operating systems there may also be one which points to ; the system's fonts directory. ; ; Note that some platforms (e.g. Windows, unless this feature is ; turned off via the configuration file) will automatically append ; standard locations like those mentioned above to the library ; path list after reading this file, so in those cases you don't ; necessarily have to have anything at all here. ; ;; Search path for #include source files or command line ini files not ;; found in the current directory. New directories are added to the ;; search path, up to a maximum of 25. Library_Path="%INSTALLDIR%" Library_Path="%INSTALLDIR%/ini" Library_Path="%INSTALLDIR%/include" ;; File output type control. ;; T Uncompressed Targa-24 ;; C Compressed Targa-24 ;; P UNIX PPM ;; N PNG (8-bits per colour RGB) ;; Nc PNG ('c' bit per colour RGB where 5 <= c <= 16) Output_to_File=true Output_File_Type=N8 ;; (+/-Ftype)