import Tkinter as Tk from AuxWidgets import WidgetWrapper, _splitCnf from Tkinter import _cnfmerge # # ScrolledText is a Text with automatic scrollbars on the right # and bottom (left is arguably better, but everyone is used to the # right side now). To avoid problems with the infinite scrollbar # mapping/unmapping the scrollbars stick until the text is 'clear'ed. # The clear method handles read-only text. This widget works for both # fixed width fonts and variable width fonts. In Tk 8.4.13, using the # <> virtual event to tell when the text widget is empty, # doesn't work. # class ScrolledText(WidgetWrapper, Tk.Text): def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): WidgetWrapper.__init__(self, master) xscrollCnf, cnf = _splitCnf('xscrollbar_', _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))) yscrollCnf, cnf = _splitCnf('yscrollbar_', cnf) self._xscroll = Tk.Scrollbar(self.super, xscrollCnf, orient=Tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.xview) self._yscroll = Tk.Scrollbar(self.super, yscrollCnf, command=self.yview) Tk.Text.__init__(self, self.super, cnf, wrap=Tk.NONE, xscrollcommand=self._xset, yscrollcommand=self._yset) self._hasXScroll = False self._hasYScroll = False self._skipReset = False self.bind('', self._reset) #self.bind('<>', self._monitor) self.super.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.super.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) Tk.Text.grid(self, row=0, column=0, sticky='nesw') #self._xscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='new') #self._yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nes') def clear(self): state = self.cget('state') if state == Tk.DISABLED: self.config(state=Tk.NORMAL) self.delete(1.0, Tk.END) if state == Tk.DISABLED: self.config(state=Tk.DISABLED) self._reset() def _monitor(self, event): # doesn't work because Tk calls this too early on deletions # so index only goes down to 1.1 instead of 1.0. #Tkinter bug: modified = self.edit_modified() modified = int(, 'edit', 'modified')) if not modified: return if self.index('end - 1c') == '1.0': self._reset() self.edit_modified('false') def _reset(self, event=None): self.after_idle(self.see, 'insert') if self._skipReset: self._skipReset = False return self._skipReset = True self._hasXScroll = False self._xscroll.grid_forget() self._hasYScroll = False self._yscroll.grid_forget() #print 'done _reset' def _xset(self, first, last): mapped = self.winfo_ismapped() #print '_xset', first, last, self._hasXScroll if float(first) != 0.0 or float(last) != 1.0: if not self._hasXScroll: self._hasXScroll = True if mapped: # keep top-level window from being # resized automatically after scroll # bar is mapped self._skipReset = True top = self.winfo_toplevel() top.wm_geometry(top.wm_geometry()) self._xscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, stick='new') self._xscroll.set(first, last) def _yset(self, first, last): mapped = self.winfo_ismapped() #print '_yset', first, last, self._hasYScroll if float(first) != 0.0 or float(last) != 1.0: if not self._hasYScroll: self._hasYScroll = True if mapped: # keep top-level window from being # resized automatically after scroll # bar is mapped self._skipReset = True top = self.winfo_toplevel() top.wm_geometry(top.wm_geometry()) self._yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, stick='nes') self._yscroll.set(first, last) # # FixedScrolledText is a Text with automatic scrollbars on the right and bottom # (left is arguably better, but everyone is used to the right side now). # Only works well for fixed width fonts. # class FixedScrolledText(WidgetWrapper, Tk.Text): def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): WidgetWrapper.__init__(self, master) xscrollCnf, cnf = _splitCnf('xscrollbar_', _cnfmerge((cnf, kw))) yscrollCnf, cnf = _splitCnf('yscrollbar_', cnf) self._xscroll = Tk.Scrollbar(self.super, xscrollCnf, orient=Tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.xview) self._yscroll = Tk.Scrollbar(self.super, yscrollCnf, command=self.yview) Tk.Text.__init__(self, self.super, cnf, wrap=Tk.NONE, xscrollcommand=self._xscroll.set, yscrollcommand=self._yscroll.set) self._numLines = 0 self._maxLineLen = 0 import tkFont fontname = self.cget('font') font = tkFont.Font(self, fontname) self._linespace = font.metrics('linespace') self._charwidth = font.measure('0') self._offset = int(self.cget('borderwidth')) \ + int(self.cget('padx')) \ + int(self.cget('selectborderwidth')) \ + int(self.cget('highlightthickness')) self._offset *= 2 # both sides self._inShow = False self.bind('<>', self._modified) self.bind('', self._showScrollbars) # Set horizontal scroll bar to be the same height as one line # so only whole lines are visible. Set the width of the # vertical scroll bar the same for consistency. barSize = self._linespace - 2 * ( int(self._xscroll.cget('borderwidth')) + int(self._xscroll.cget('highlightthickness'))) self._xscroll.configure(width=barSize) self._yscroll.configure(width=barSize) self.super.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.super.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) Tk.Text.grid(self, row=0, column=0, sticky='nesw') #self._xscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='new') #self._yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nes') def _showScrollbars(self, *ignore): if self._inShow: return self._inShow = True width = (self.winfo_width() - self._offset) / self._charwidth height = (self.winfo_height() - self._offset) / self._linespace #print 'width, height:', width, height if self._numLines <= height: if self._yscroll.winfo_ismapped(): self._yscroll.grid_forget() else: if not self._yscroll.winfo_ismapped(): self._yscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, stick='nes') if self._maxLineLen <= width: if self._xscroll.winfo_ismapped(): self._xscroll.grid_forget() else: if not self._xscroll.winfo_ismapped(): self._xscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, stick='new') #self.see('insert') -- causes core dump in Tk! self._inShow = False self.after_idle(self.see, 'insert') def _modified(self, event): #Tkinter bug: modified = self.edit_modified() modified = int(, 'edit', 'modified')) if not modified: return #print 'modified', vars(event) text = self.get('1.0', 'end') lines = text.split('\n') self._numLines = len(lines) - 1 self._maxLineLen = max([len(l) for l in lines]) if self.winfo_ismapped(): # keep top-level window from being resized # automatically after scroll bar(s) is(are) mapped top = self.winfo_toplevel() top.wm_geometry(top.wm_geometry()) self._showScrollbars() self.edit_modified('false') #print 'numLines, maxLineLen:', self._numLines, self._maxLineLen #print 'lines:', repr(lines) def clear(self): state = self.cget('state') if state == Tk.DISABLED: self.config(state=Tk.NORMAL) self.delete(1.0, Tk.END) if state == Tk.DISABLED: self.config(state=Tk.DISABLED) if __name__ == '__main__': t = ScrolledText(width=20, height=4) t.pack(expand=True, fill=Tk.BOTH) t.mainloop()